Bekerjasama Berganding Bahuhahahha.. kalau duk ingt balik first day nih... mmg lawak.... ade ke patut!!! isk2....
Tolong Menolong Bantu Membantu
Pasukan KS Sentiasa Bersatu
Bergerak Bekerja Bersatu Padu
(orang2 lama akan tau lagu ni... orang2 baru... sorry dude!!)
Apa Yang Penting?? (Sorang jerit dalam nada wonderpet) x3
Kerjasama (Jawab dalam nada wonderpet) x3
Kumpulannnnnnnnnnn KS
Ramai bertanya saya soalan ini. Mereka menggunakan kad kredit, namun membayar penuh setiap jumlah kegunaan mereka dalam tempoh 20 hari yang terawal.Aku terbaca masa aku duk browse melilau dalam dunia cyber tuh... nk baca lebey lanjut tgk kat website nih.... untuk keterangan yang lebey jelas... p laa surf kat website ustaz zaharuddin pasai artikel kad kredit nih.... terus keinginan aku nk pakai kad kredit agak terbantut wat sementara.... tapi sekarang nih kita dah ada alternatif utk gunakan kad kredit yg berlandaskan syariah (menurut mereka laaaa) ie bank islam, maybank-ikhwan dan jugak ambank-altaslif.... So... sekarang ni aku dh insap... x mau dah nikmat sementara.... lagi pun sekarang ni... Bank Negara dah kuarkan satu statement seperti di bawah
Dengan cara ini tiada faedah dikenakan dan tatkala itu kad itu hanya seperti kad caj. Adakah halal?
Jawapannya, ia tetap haram kerana setiap pembelian menggunakan kad kredit riba daripada bank konvensional ini, pihak bank akan mendapat komisen satu hingga tiga peratus daripada penjual.
Ini jelas menunjukkan pengguna menyokong industri riba untuk berkembang, lebih kurang sama dengan memberi upah dan komisen kepada perompak dan pembunuh atas kerja jahatnya. Bukankah itu dosa yang jelas?
Dosanya sama seperti mereka yang terbabit dengan riba secara langsung. Taubatlah. Tiada lagi alasan untuk menggunakannya, terutama pada waktu wujudnya kad kredit Islam dan ada caj Islam yang diiktiraf Visa dan Mastercard, bermakna ia diterima di seantero dunia.
Berfikirlah berlandaskan Islam di musim kaya, miskin dan sukar, nescaya Allah melapangkan jalanmu.
" Last Year Bank Negara Malaysia announced a tiered pricing structure (TPS), which will be implemented this July 1, under which those who settle their minimum payments promptly will be charged a reduced interest of 15% to 17% per annum, instead of the usual 18%.So... apakah kesimpulan yg boleh di buat kat sini??.... perlukah kredit kad?? x perlukah?? jawapan di tangan anda (ceh.. macam kuiz la plak).... bagi org yg disiplin... atau sedar diri.. aku rasa insyALLAH xkan ada masalah... tp bagi manusia yg seronok berbelanja.... hermm.... jangan menyesal d kemudian hari....
Under current arrangements, credit cardholders enjoy a 20-day interest-free period on their new retail transactions. However, after July, only those who make full payments before the due date will be entitled to interest-free days. Those who make only partial or minimum payments will be charged interest on the day new purchases are posted to the card's accounts. In addition the late payment charge is now a minimum of RM10 or 1% on total outstanding balances; previously it was 1% of the minimum payment amount.
Though the TPC allows cardholders to enjoy lower interest rates, they now have to pay interest on each and every new purchase as soon as it is posted into their accounts."
Source; Personal Money June 2008, by Tan Su-Yin
cd /media/cdrom0/
sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Hello again.. Right now, I'm going to post a keyboard shortcut for Compiz Fusion. This shortcut probably can help people for having fun with the Ubuntu desktop effects. Now, this is some shortcut:
SUPER+SHIFT+C = clear fire
CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW = rotate cube
CTRL+ALT+DOWN ARROW = flat desktop
ALT+TAB=window switch
SUPER+TAB=flip switcher or ring switcher depending on which is enabled.
ALT+F7=initiate 'move windows'
SHIFT+F9=water effect
SHIFT+F10=slow animations
CTRL+ALT+D=show desktop
For Grouping and Tabbing:
SUPER+S=Select Single Window
SUPER+T=Tab Group
SUPER+Left=Change Left Tab
SUPER+Right=Change Right Tab
SUPER+G=Group Windows
SUPER+U=Ungroup Windows
SUPER+R=Remove Group Window
SUPER+C=Close Group
SUPER+X=Ignore Group
hold the super button then select the windows you want to group and then hit super+g also You can add new shortcuts.
Note: SUPER Keys means the windows button.
For the Desktop Configuration, you also need to install the Compiz Config Manager by typing this code: " sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager " .For Linux users who are fortunate enough to be playing with the Desktop Effects on their favorite Linux distribution - mine is Ubuntu, here’s a list of keyboard shortcuts for the Compiz Fusion Desktop Effects that you may have been looking for. I have put together a list mainly because I’ve had a hard time finding a comprehensive list from a single location. I may have missed something, so please let me know. One more thing, the Super key is the Windows key in case you are wondering. Here are the shortcuts.
Desktop Effects1 | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Rotate Cube | Mousewheel on Desktop |
Switcher2 | Alt + Tab |
Shift Switcher3 | Super + Tab (2 modes: flip and cover) |
Ring Switcher | Super + Tab - overrides Shift Switcher |
Expo | Super + E (toggle) |
Film Effect | Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow4 |
Rotate Cube Manually | Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button |
Scale Windows | Alt + Shift + Up Arrow |
Show/Clear Desktop | Ctrl + Alt + D (toggle) |
Snapping Windows | Move a window across workspaces5 |
Screenshot | Super + Left Mouse Button |
Zoom In/Out | Super + Mousewheel |
Transparent Window | Alt + Mousewheel |
Resize Window | Alt + F8 |
Move Window | Alt + F7 |
Add Helper | Super + P |
Widget Layer | F9 (toggle) |
Water Effects | Shift + F9 (toggle) |
Fire Effects: On | Super + Shift + Left Mouse Button |
Fire Effects: Clear | Super + Shift + C |
Annotate: Draw | Super + Left Mouse Button |
Annotate: Start | Super + 1 |
Annotate: End | Super + 3 |
Group: Select Window(s) | Super + S |
Group: Group Windows | Super + T |
Group: Ungroup Windows | Super + U |
Group: Flip Windows | Super + Right or Left Arrow |
1 Effects have to be enabled to see results.
2 To see the full effect, have multiple windows or programs open.
3 To configure: Go to Advanced Desktop Effects Settings.
4 Use left and right arrow thereafter to move to workspaces.
5 Disables Wobbly Windows.
Make sure the effects are enabled to see results. You can do so by going to System - Preferences - Advanced Desktop Effects Settings. Some effects will disable others. For example, the Desktop Wall will disable the Desktop Cube, Snapping Windows will disable Wobbly Windows and many more. Please let me know if I missed something, so I can add more effects to the list.
" Bismillahi tawakkaltu a'lALLAH. wa laa haula walaa quwwata illaa bILLAHil a'liyyil a'zim "
Cukuplah....!!Hakikat yang berlaku
Lepas ni... jangan harap nk suruh aku jaga duit...
Pening kepala aku...
Memang patut laa masa tingkatan 4 dulu... seminggu je aku masuk kelas accounting,..
Kerja bendahari ni mmg pening....
So, kalau kawan korang kerja bendahari... jangan pelik laaaa kalau dia duk mengadap excel 5 jam straight....
Aku bukan bendahari persatuan....
Aku bukan pemegang tabung mana-mana badan kebajikan
Aku hanya penyelaras untuk bil-bil rumah
Aku juga menyelaras segala benda mak nenek berkaitan dengan rumah...
I spent my whole damn night yesterday to calculate the bills... to calculate on the house renting.. on things... everything.... It is a tiring nite.... I'm wasting my whole nite for something not worth it to spend for.... do the calculation…. Balancing everything… the result looks very very weird… alter the rows…. Change value in columns… owh… damn!!!
What the heck am I doing??? My bad…. I let the whole damn thing mount up for 5 months… hahah… you got served!!! So…..
Tolong laaa jangan pass kat aku lagi bab2 jaga duit nih… tidakkkkkkkk!!!... If nak bagi duit…. Then lantak aku laaa nk wat ape ngan duit tuh… itu aku alu2kan sangat :D…
Dah2…. Cukup merepek…. Ari ni x cukup tidur….
900pm: Kira duit
1000pm: kira duit
1100pm: kira duit
200am: kira duit
230am: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
500am: Subuh..
600am: Foosball
700am: Kira duit
800am: kira duit
830am: sarapan
930am: ke kelas
1030am: tdo dalam kelas…
100pm: abis kelas.. lapo..
130pm: makan nasi basmati + butter chicken + madras beef
200pm: Zohor…
300pm: ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
"to'wan, toqwan is similar to tokwan but are not the same. To'wan is described as a young man but behave like tokwan. In the contrary tokwan is an old man and behave like an old man (orthodox). At the same time to'wan is also one who doesn't even know he acted like an old man. To'wan also have very similar symptoms that usually an old man have. He tends to forget things easily and sometimes he can even remember the smallest things that no one expect him to remember. For further explanation, please refer to original dictionary like kamus dewan" Extracted from to'wan dictionary.I would like to give my special credit to a friend who is responsible for introducing this term in my life. She is currently in Malaysia and having her long holiday before coming back to Australia (Most probably and maybe the fact will change depends on internal and external factors). She was living in Barkers Apartment UNSW for a year. She had her first degree in UTM and went to further her studies on Math at UNSW, Australia. She is also known as "clumsy GPS". And I also would like to give my credit to her housemates for made to'wan quite popular among my friends.