Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Kursus Induksi
24 Nov 2008 - 5 Dec 2008
Kursus Kepimpinan Pensyarah Muda Biro Tatanegara
Kem Bina Negara Kundasang, Sabah
11 Dec 2008 - 15 Dec 2008
Aduuuuiiihhh... Lama betul aku rasa induksi nih.... ermmmm memang lama kot isk2.... at times... cam bes.. dpt info2 baru and berguna.... kadang2 jugak.... ada info berguna but very very boring loooor pasal tajuk tu x bes... kadang2.... very2 boring pasal penceramah memberi ceramah dengan nada yg mendatar... xde unsur2 humor etc....
ooppps... ni yg bes....
Bekerjasama Berganding Bahuhahahha.. kalau duk ingt balik first day nih... mmg lawak.... ade ke patut!!! isk2....
Tolong Menolong Bantu Membantu
Pasukan KS Sentiasa Bersatu
Bergerak Bekerja Bersatu Padu
(orang2 lama akan tau lagu ni... orang2 baru... sorry dude!!)
Apa Yang Penting?? (Sorang jerit dalam nada wonderpet) x3
Kerjasama (Jawab dalam nada wonderpet) x3
Kumpulannnnnnnnnnn KS
Idea ni........ ada laa sorang mamat yg kasi... kitorang accept jer...
Hermmmm ada beberapa hari je lagi induksi nih..... sok... lusa.. then aku balik kampung kesayangku..... then trus berangkat ke KK, Sabah... BTN lagi... masuk ni dah 3 kali...
1) Masa Degree dulu
2) Masa nak sambung Master
3) Masa dah keje
4) Masa nak sambung phD nanti... opps.. ni.... belum tentu hehehehe
warrrrrrrrghhh 1244pm.... sok nk dengar ceramah lagi.... nak tdo.... kang ada yang memancing dalam dewan... huhuhu.....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Santai Petang Ahad
Boleh plak udang ni datang dalam 1 pinggan... sekor jer pun.. hahaah.. actually order Hut's Platter.. short sekor udang.. ni laa hasilnya..
Menantang Andox ni selalu jadi mangsa housemate aku yg suke belasah dia... dia cakap... mata dia cam shial... asik kena tarik telinga and kena picit2.. aku kena sorok Andox nih.. nanti jadi kaler coklat kalu selalu kena belasah ngan housemate aku.. ada teddy bear seniri tp xnk main...
Kisah Pengemis Berjaya
Ketika itu, saya masih menuntut di sebuah universiti tempatan. Saya sedang berjalan keluar daripada kolej saya ketika saya melihat seorang pengemis tua, dalam lingkungan umur 50-an, sedang duduk meminta sedekah. Selalunya, saya hanya memberi wang kepada mereka dan terus berlalu. Entah kenapa, mungkin mood saya tengah baik dan saya pun tiada rushing nak ke mana-mana. Saya lalu berbual2 dengan hamba Allah tersebut.
Saya :Sudah lama mengemis, pakcik?
Pengemis : Ya.. lebih kurang sudah 18 tahun , nak.
Saya : Wah, sudah lama juga ya pakcik.. sehari biasanya dapat berapa pakcik?
Pengemis : Paling sedikit RM50.00 nak
Saya : Banyak juga ya pakcik??
Pengemis : Bolehlah nak, untuk keluarga...
Saya : Ohhhh.. keluarga pakcik ada di mana?
Pengemis : Isteri pakcik meninggal lama dah. Anak pakcik pulak semuanya ada 3 orang, tiga-tiga lelaki. Yang pertama dekat di Universiti Putra Malaysia di Serdang tu. Yang kedua dekat Universiti Tenaga Nasional , dan yang ketiga dekat Universiti kebangsaan Malaysia di Bangi nuun.
Saya :Wahh.. hebat-hebat keluarga pakcik ni.. boleh tahan juga yerrr..
Pengemis : (Sambil tersenyum) Biasalah nak. Anak pun pandai apa, sekolah kat sini?
Saya : (Membalas senyuman) Pakcik ni.. So anak pakcik tu semuanya masih kuliah?
Pengemis : Tak arrrrrr.. semuanya mengemis seperti pakcik.. Dorang kata duduk mengemis dekat universiti ni banyak sikit income nyer pasal budak2 U nie pemurah! Lagi2 kalau dekat2 exam. Setakat dua tiga ratus sehari tu biasalah!
Saya :#$%%$#&*(^& (' _ ')v
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Dark Knight
Baghu tat sat aku tengok gambaq d daq nait... mula2 aku ingtkan nk tgk sikit2 jaa... mana laaa nak tau melekat samapi sudah... isk2.. hampeh toi.. plan nak siapkan teaching plan untuk subjek elektif aku.. laih2 (last) x jadi pa gheja pun malam nih...
aku punya laaa syoq layan gambaq tuh... menarik.... joker belakon mmg baguih.... jalan ceghita pun syoq gak... huiiii.. kalu aku p tgk kat wayang ni... x tau aaar... kembang kempis idung aku kot sepanjang gambaq tu dok tayang.... tp part yg paling aku suka... masa pengabisan gambaq tuh...
GB-Gordon Boy
G- Thank you.
B- You don't have to thank me.
G-Yes, I do.
The Joker won.
Harvey's prosecution, everything he fought for...
Whatever chance you
gave us at fixing...
our city dies with
Harvey's reputation.
We bet it all on him.
The Joker took the best of us and tore him down.
People will lose hope.
B-They won't.
They must never
know what he did.
G-Five dead.
Two of them cops.
You can't sweep that...
B- No.
But the Joker cannot win.
Gotham needs its true hero.
G- No.
B- You either die a hero...
...or you live long enough...
to see yourself become the villain.
I can do those things...
...because I'm not a
hero, not like Dent.
I killed those people.
That's what I can be.
G-No, no, you can't. You're not.
B-I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be.
Call it in.
B-They'll hunt you.
You'll hunt me.
You'll condemn me.
Set the dogs on me.
Because that's what needs to happen.
Because sometimes...
... the truth isn't good enough.
Sometimes people deserve more.
Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.
Why's he running, Dad?
G-Because we have to chase him.
GB-He didn't do anything wrong.
G-Because he's the hero
Gotham deserves,
but not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him...
... because he can take it.
Because he's not our hero.
He's a silent guardian...
...a watchful protector.
A dark knight.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... baca dengan alunan muzik semangat hahahhaa.... xde gheja toi.. baik siapkan teaching plan.... ermmm.... sok lah... ngantuk dah nih... 1233pm....
Friday, November 14, 2008
pandai2 jer budak2 ni korek alamat isk2...
abis pecah rahsia :))
*penat drive...
*pening jalan kat Aloq Staq..
*Dinner ngan student... hehhehe .. aku ada student... leh caya ke??
*sok ada meeting ICOMMS ICADME
*Meeting biomed group tunda
*Malam sok makan ngan budak2 RPS gua...
~~(RPS tu cam penasihat akademik aar.. but even more meh!!)
*Plan nak main badminton before makan2 malam... after office hour!! harap2 aar.. nak rasmi raket baru hahahah
** Nak tdo... arghhhhh Isyak belum lagih... warghhh...
Friday, October 31, 2008
sok pagi aku bgn, isk2... x elok lagi rupa2nya.. pening kepala... nak muntah... sume ada... sembahyang pun kena duduk... x leh berdiri lama2... nak keluar je isi perut adehhh.... ari ni.. aku p klinik... minta tlg member aku drive.. x brani nk drive seniri.... daya keseimbangan diri x stabil... p laa klinik yg nth apa2 nth tu... check punya laa sekejap.. bagi ubat berlambak2 plak tuh.... 5 jenis.. 2 daripadanya ubat tahan sakit... ?? konpius aku.... aku ingt sebab klinik panel laa yg dia bagi kat aku ubat berlambak2 tuh kot... apa raaaaa... balik umah.. aku nk makan roti.. pasal aku yakin aku xde selera nk makan nasi... last2 sekeping je roti aku blasah.. aduhai.... itu pun lepas aku uwek2 hahhaa... kalu aku x uwek aku rs lagi aaaa aku x leh telan makanan... pas tu... malam plak aku makan fries hehhee...
harap2 sok leh laaa aku p keje... x larat dah aku duk baring je... tdo... baring je tdo... tdo jer baring.... budak2 aku asik antar msg kat aku... nk minta offer letter dari company utk Latihan Industri... Sori laaa anak2 buahku.... abang mu x sihat hari ni... :D sekarang ni mulut aku masih pahit.... lambat lak aku tdo malam ni... nk wat caner... td siang dh berjam2 aku tdo.... huhuhu... smpi x larat aku nk tdo siang td...
BTW doakan supaya aku cepat sembuh.... insyaALLAH
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Damn!!! New Honda City 2009
x tahan beb........... aku dapat email ari tu pasal this all new Honda City 2009... really awsome!!! make me cry thinking bout it.... Damn good!!! Aku dengar diorang akan Launch bendalah ni Dec nih.... perghh... take a sneak peak!!!
Terharu aku............... adakah aku bakal memiliki kereta ini atau............... aku nak Civic!!! tapi RM113k beb... celah mana aku nak korek???!!!!
Kepada sesiapa yang kesian kat aku.... silalah donate duit supaya aku dapat beli City 2009 or Civic... x kesah mana2 hehehehe..... Yosh!!!! ikkezoooooooooo
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hari ni.... aku ngan housemate bertungkus-lumus mengemas rumah... bahagian luar je laa.. dalam tuh.... x sangat.. skit2 jer... Sebabnya.... kucing2 yg wujud dalam daerah kejiranan aku ni... ada laa beberapa ekor yg terlalu bijak.... datang umah kitorang.... lepak2 isap rokok... then before blah... tinggalkan sisa2 kumuhan... aduhaiii ... baunya cukup menjengkelkan... kembang kempis idung kitorang nak lalu bahagian depan umah... tempat kitorang park kereta... dan juga motor... kasut kawan aku.... ada laa skit kena pancut... tempias.... sabo jer ler... dalam banyak2 tempat... kenapa kat gate umah kitorang yg dia nk melepas? Umah orang lain pun ada gate apa...! Nak kata umah x kemas.... perlu ke ada kaitan dengan gate?? aku usha... lebih kurang jer... x kotor... x kemas... so so jer... tapi kalu bab kasut tuh... aku akui aar... ada laaa berterabur skit.... bukan kasut aku aar ... aku letak dalam.. x berani letak luar... gua dah kena curi kasut dulu... serik beb!...
Abis kitorang cuci bahagian depan.... basuh... simbah dengan air... pastu pergi bahagian belakang umah... member aku nampak kucing... terus dia jadi hulk.. dia sepak kucing tuh... aduhaii... sian lak aku tengok..... sampai kucing tu terketar2 kaki... terkencing2 pun ada.... last2 kitorang basuh jugak bahagian belakang tuh.. simbah ngan air..... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rasa seronok lak pas tu.... kemas semacam jer umah huhuhu.... bes2....
Kesimpulannya..... rajin2 lah kemas umah.... ahaks.!!
Aku nih......... x tau aaaaaar.... balik msia ni.... makin kureng jer rasa........ isk2... apa laaa nak jadi ngan aku nih..... bila laaaa nak jadi sebenar2 baik nih.... aduhaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii diri... insaflah.....
Kisah Suami Kedekut
Tahun kedua, mereka pergi lagi. Si isteri sekali lagi memujuk Suaminya untuk menaiki pesawat tu. Berjumpa lah mereka dengan pilot tu, pilot yg sama tahun lepas. Tapi kali ni, bayaranya dah jadi RM80... Apa lagi sekali lagi kecewa lah si isteri tadi.
Tahun ketiga, mereka Pergi lagi... Si isteri tadi awal2 lagi dah pujuk si suami untuk menaiki pesawat ringan tu. "Baiklah, kalau bayaranya kurang dr RM30, kita naiklah"kata suami yang membuatkan si isteri menarik muka masam krn dia tahu bayarannya pasti akan meningkat lagi tahun ni. Mereka menuju ke pesawat yang sama cam tahun lepas dan jumpa ngan pilot yang sama juga. Seperti yang dijangkakan, bayaranya dah jadi RM100. Segeralah si suami menarik tangan isterinya berlalu dr situ. Si pilot td yang kesiankan si isteri yang saban tahun mengimpikan untuk menaiki pesawat tu memanggil mereka semula. "Encik, berapa yang encik sanggup bayar?" "Aku cuma nak bayar bawah RM30 ajer"jawab si suami. Setelah berfikir seketika, berkatalah si pilot tadi "Baiklah, Encik boleh naik pesawat tu dengan bayaran RM20 sahaja tapi dgn satu syarat" Gembiralah si suami tadi, RM20 ajer "tapi apa syaratnya" "semasa di udara, encik dan isteri encik tak boleh Mengeluarkan satu suara pun. Kalau bersuara juga, saya akan kenakanbayaran RM10 bagi setiap perkataan yang keluar dari mulut encik atau isteri encik" jawab pilot td sambil tersenyum. "Baiklah saya setuju" jawab si suami dengan yakin bolehnya.
Maka, naiklah mereka akan pesawat tu. Pilot tadi pun ada niat lain sebenarnya. dia nak ajar si suami yang kedekut tadi. Dia pun buat lah aksi2 acrobatik yang diakui merbahaya. Macam2 aksi dia buat, tapi hairan gak dia sbb suami isteri yang duduk kat belakang dia tak menjerit pun. Dia cuba lagi buat aksi2 yang merbahaya, berpusing2 pesawat tu, tapi still senyap gak. Setelah muslihat dia tak berjaya, pilot tu pun mendaratkan lah pesawat dia. Rasa rugi pulak sbb cuma boleh dpt RM20 ajer. Bila dah mendarat, Cuma si suami yang turun dari pesawat tu. "Ehh? mana isteri encik?"tanya pilot tu terkejut. "Dia dah jatuh masa kau pusing2 pesawat tadi" "Hahh apasal tak cakap" "Kalau aku cakap nanti kena tambah bayaran lak" jwb si suami Sambil menghulurkan RM20 kepada pilot td dan terus berlalu...
Moralnyer..: Carilah suami yang mengasihi isterinya
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Kredit Kad? - Entry Sebelum Kepulanganku ke Rumah
Dah abis zaman bekerja.......... untuk sementaralah... huhuhu... malam ni aku nk bergerak pulang... dalam masa kurang 1 jam lagi laaaa... but bergantung jugak kepada rakan2 sekerja yg nk ikut aku gerak pulang .... Sekali aweks daaaaa.... Sorang duk kat USJ sorang duk kat Klang... Hermmm eloklah tu.. housemate aku ke Seri Kembangan.. and aku ke Pahang... last destination.... dan semestinya kereta aku... Sang Wira v1.5 hehehhe....
Tp... x syoq jugak... aku kena ngajor budak lepas raya nih... hampeh... mana x nya.... Application of Control System in Biomedical Engineering... semak kepala hotak aku nk korek maklumat dalam internet.... of course journal.... pasai dalam buku susah giler nk carik.... semak semak.. tp apa2 pun... doakan aku berjaya siapkan lecture notes by end of my holiday.... kacau jiwa raga.... adehhh...
isk2... kawan2 pompuan aku nih x sms lagi nih... biler laaa agaknya nk siap kemas... diorang cakap dah seminggu mengemas... apa benda yg derang bawak nth laa... jgn smpi x celuih bonet keta aku dah............... aku tinggal derang nanti hahaha.... adoooooi
Erm.. td petang... aku duk asyik survey kat internet pasai kad kredit nih.... aku sebenarnya berminat dengan kad kredit Petronas-Maybank and Petronas-CIMB... tp... aku terjumpa satu artikel pasai kad kredit nih...
Ramai bertanya saya soalan ini. Mereka menggunakan kad kredit, namun membayar penuh setiap jumlah kegunaan mereka dalam tempoh 20 hari yang terawal.Aku terbaca masa aku duk browse melilau dalam dunia cyber tuh... nk baca lebey lanjut tgk kat website nih.... untuk keterangan yang lebey jelas... p laa surf kat website ustaz zaharuddin pasai artikel kad kredit nih.... terus keinginan aku nk pakai kad kredit agak terbantut wat sementara.... tapi sekarang nih kita dah ada alternatif utk gunakan kad kredit yg berlandaskan syariah (menurut mereka laaaa) ie bank islam, maybank-ikhwan dan jugak ambank-altaslif.... So... sekarang ni aku dh insap... x mau dah nikmat sementara.... lagi pun sekarang ni... Bank Negara dah kuarkan satu statement seperti di bawah
Dengan cara ini tiada faedah dikenakan dan tatkala itu kad itu hanya seperti kad caj. Adakah halal?
Jawapannya, ia tetap haram kerana setiap pembelian menggunakan kad kredit riba daripada bank konvensional ini, pihak bank akan mendapat komisen satu hingga tiga peratus daripada penjual.
Ini jelas menunjukkan pengguna menyokong industri riba untuk berkembang, lebih kurang sama dengan memberi upah dan komisen kepada perompak dan pembunuh atas kerja jahatnya. Bukankah itu dosa yang jelas?
Dosanya sama seperti mereka yang terbabit dengan riba secara langsung. Taubatlah. Tiada lagi alasan untuk menggunakannya, terutama pada waktu wujudnya kad kredit Islam dan ada caj Islam yang diiktiraf Visa dan Mastercard, bermakna ia diterima di seantero dunia.
Berfikirlah berlandaskan Islam di musim kaya, miskin dan sukar, nescaya Allah melapangkan jalanmu.
" Last Year Bank Negara Malaysia announced a tiered pricing structure (TPS), which will be implemented this July 1, under which those who settle their minimum payments promptly will be charged a reduced interest of 15% to 17% per annum, instead of the usual 18%.So... apakah kesimpulan yg boleh di buat kat sini??.... perlukah kredit kad?? x perlukah?? jawapan di tangan anda (ceh.. macam kuiz la plak).... bagi org yg disiplin... atau sedar diri.. aku rasa insyALLAH xkan ada masalah... tp bagi manusia yg seronok berbelanja.... hermm.... jangan menyesal d kemudian hari....
Under current arrangements, credit cardholders enjoy a 20-day interest-free period on their new retail transactions. However, after July, only those who make full payments before the due date will be entitled to interest-free days. Those who make only partial or minimum payments will be charged interest on the day new purchases are posted to the card's accounts. In addition the late payment charge is now a minimum of RM10 or 1% on total outstanding balances; previously it was 1% of the minimum payment amount.
Though the TPC allows cardholders to enjoy lower interest rates, they now have to pay interest on each and every new purchase as soon as it is posted into their accounts."
Source; Personal Money June 2008, by Tan Su-Yin
adehh......... aku nk berkemas.... skg ni kol 930pm.... sat lagi kol 1015pm aku dh nk gerak..... Doakan keselamatanku.... tata...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Why always me??
Finally, after few times restart the notebook, it won't respond after startup.... Format!!!....
The next morning, I started my effort on formatting..... but the problem won't solve... haiyaaaaaaa... why aaar?? ANGRYYYYYYYYYY..... DISSAPOINTED......... ****!!!
Ok!!.. this is my last effort on formatting and installing windows.. if the problem persist, I won't waste my time on windows again and try to install ubuntu instead to see what the real problem is.... hardware or software.... enough with hardware problem...... I barely can stand my notebook now... it won't boot if i use battery... need to plug in ac power.... haaaaaaaaaarhh.... chipset failure i think..... arghh.. lantak laaa....
Eventually, i found the real problem when the virus keep popping up after fresh install of windows for the 2nd time..... okay... i should install kaspersky since the antivirus show me acceptable performance ... from my experience... but it took a lot of time and as not effective as avira... that's my thought at first when i saw the progress status... soooooooooo slow... argh.... avira should be enough and my instinct was correct.... avira detect all the virus immediately and clean them all up!!..... it takes me a lot of effort... till night tho.... hohooho... sabo jer ler..... Ramadhan...................
The conclusion is.... jangan nk crack software yg kena beli!! adehhh...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Owh my RM2.4k !!!
"aduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.. apakah ini satu kifarah.????.. siannya adik aku.... isk2... apa back up plan aku nih.... aaaaaaaaaaaa!! usha akak aku nyer aaaaaaaar..... "
"truuuuuuuuuuut.... truuuuuuuuuuuuut.......... truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut"... "Hello!!"
"Kak Long... ada masalah skit... kasi kat Anjang.. Kak Long nyer??"
"Malas aar... dah setup... nanti nk kena transfer lagi.. minta yg Bang Cik punya aar...."
"Kak Long cakap aar kat dia..."
"aaaa... nanti Kak Long kol"
"kringgggggggggggg.... kringggggggggggggggggggg... kringggggggg"... "Hello!!"
"Bang Cik!!... nak minta Bang Cik punya... nak bg kat Anjang... yang Alang beli tu rosak aar... kena air ujan"
"amik aarrrrrrrr..."
"ok.... nanti sok petang Kak Long amik...."
"keringgggggggggggg... keringgg...".. "aaa Hello"
"Dah... Bang Cik cakap ok... nanti sok petang Kak Long pegi amik"
"aaa.. ok... "
"Nanti Kak Long terus balik...."
"aik.. kata nak balik Senin pagi..."
"malas aar.... semalam dah keje smpi malam"
"owh... ok..."
"Alang... caner??"
"Ermm... x bleh.. nak kena antar kat kedai nih...."
"dah tu?? Anjang caner?? "
"xpe... minta dah yg Kak Long nyer yang lama... terpaksa amik yg tu laa.. nanti Bang Cik amik laptop yg baru ni.. tp kena baiki dulu laaaa"
"aii... caner ler aku leh beli Acer 4925 nih.... spec tinggi sangat, Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz... tu yg x tahan tuh... adehhh"
*Kak Long
*Bang Cik
Selamat Jalan di ucapkan kepada adikku Anjang... yg sekarang ini telah pun berada di Mansurah, Mesir kerana melanjutkan pengajian dalam Qiraat (Al-Quran).
Bertolak dari Kuantan airport-KLIA-Mesir.
Semoga Selamat disana... Semoga Berjaya Dalam Pelajaran....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Again.. Ubuntu - Virtual Box
So.... the new things is... I used Virtual Machine technology to install Ubuntu as my guest OS... It is called VirtualBox.. see here for more info...
Then.. there will be a bugs related to the screen resolution where we can't have resolution more than 800X600.. It is quite an annoying bugs as I can't fully see the 'whole' Ubuntu...
After some digging.. I found out the solution for that matter... just
* Install Guest OS addition - On VM Devices tab
* Open terminal and paste this code
cd /media/cdrom0/
sudo ./
* Then you need to restart your Ubuntu and DONE!!...
There is one thing you need to remember that VirtualBox is only nothing more than a virtual computer... Its like controlling another computer(guest) with your computer(host). The Virtual Box is running some generic proprietary graphics chipset, it only exists virtually, all the same, your Nvidia based graphics chipset is NOT going to have any power or rule over the generic chipset in the virtual device. So... you can't have any visual effect enable in your machine using VirtualBox... Sorry.. huhu.... I feel sorry for myself...
Arghh.. I've been working on the folder sharing for quite some time and still can't find the answer. I don't know whether I miss something on the process or... I don't know... take 5..
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tv x best... citer x best...
Internet... x tau nk surf web ape dah...
Movie... not in the right mood...
DotA... asik kalah....
Yeah!!... Twister KFC... ikkezoooooooooooooo!!....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Perlis.... here I come....
jap lagi nih aku nk pergi lapor diri.... tp ari ni... dis week actually... staff sumer bz.. menurut kata membe aku jugak aaar yg merupakan seorang lect kat sini.... so.... dats y aku pergi lmbr rini... heheh dlm kol 10 gak aaar...
<< Rewind
Aku sampai kat Msia 2hb Aug 2008.... lepas jejak jer Msia.... ya ALLAH... panasnya!! hehhe... seyes panas... tp mama aku cakap pn mmg panas lately... pergh.... menitik-nitik peluh lelaki aku huhuuhu... sabo jer ler...
sepatutnya.. aku kena lapor diri 11hb Aug. But atas sebab2 yg x dapat dielakkan... kargo aku x smpi2 lagi... patutnya dah sampai... tp nth ler... derang peram wat pekasam kot huhu... penat aku tunggu... penat aku duk KL nih.... last2 aku balik jer umah ari khamis lepas 4 ari aku kat Sunway nih... Senin pagi aku kol.. dia kata dh siap! yeah!... trus ajer aku start keta..... gerak dari Pahang ke LLC.. bahagian kargo..... kena RM421.00 hhuhu mujur x kena tax.... Corelle+Pyrex 4 kotak... haahaha.. sengal.....
Rabu 13 Aug 2008 aku bergerak ke Perlis dari Pahang.... ikut jalan dalam... start dari umah aku Lanchang, naik jalan ke Genting, kuar arah Batang Kali, Masuk Tjg Malim, Slim River, Sungkai, then kuar Highway ikot exit Bidor... ok ar..... kena tol RM9 heheh.... pastu trus masuk highway.... aku agak surprise gak aar pasal aku drive x smpi 8 jam dh smpi Perlis hehhe... for sure aku kena speed trap nih... x sedar beb.... sedar2 dh 130-140 km/hr.... tidakkkk........
nak mandi..... bersiap utk ke Uni.... jya!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Just Before Departing
Venue: Common Area Malaysia Hall Sydney
Date & Time: 1st Aug 2008, Around 1145pm
Sob Sob Sob....
aku terharu giler aar kat bdk2 nih.... bdk2 Dewan Malaysia Sydney.. aka bdk2 Hall.. sempena pemergian aku pulang diorang leh wat surprise kat aku.. thanx a lot to Ijan yg berusha utk mengajurkan aktiviti yg menggoncang hati lelaki ini huhuuhu...
Patut ler bdk2 ni wat de' jer kat aku malam ritu... tetiba jer panggil aku n SURPRISE!!!!!!!!... dah laaa aku kuar ngan pakai kain pelikat jer... selamba badak jer aku hahaha... mujur x terlondeh.. if not.. smpi sudah bdk ni ingt aku kot hahaah...
waduh2... geng2 sekalian.. korang mmg bes aaar...
Mujur laaa budget malam tu x mencapai sasaran.. if not dah lama aku kena baling ngan telur+tepung... mujur2.. hahaa... tapi aku kena conteng muka ngan marker... harus yg leh padam hehehe... kena pegang x hengat kot... pasrah jer di conteng.. ni aaar pepatah melayu baru... "menconteng marker dimuka" yang membawa maksud.. selamat tinggal sahabatku, akan ku kenang saat ini selamanya... :D
ari tuh... aku dapat Si Putih.. aku x tau spesis menatang apa sebenarnya Si Putih tu.. but comei.. mata cam aku hahahah... slit eye.. aku jugak dapat Set CD LOTR bersama ngan brg2 yg lain dlm set tuh... menarik giler... erm.. ada buku ttg makanan hati jugak aku dapat... lagi... yg paling menarik... for sure korang x pernah dapat.... SEPENDA hahaha... siap ada tulis nama aku lagi.... pastu siap kasik nickname "Roy".. di petik dari gila-gila remaja... before that aku dapat tie n belt.. punye shopping ngan Ju. Utk kawan dia kata... utk aku rupanya hahha... seniri pileyyy... thanx rakan2... Patin, Sharipah, Fifi, Kak Mite, Ijan, Anas, Ju... I love u all... Opps before tu lagi.. aku dapat rimau yg sangat comei... macam tuannya hehee.... Yuuuuu.... thanx Yuuu.... mata dia bersinar2 hehe....
Malam tuh makan pizza.... bnyk gak aar bdk2 ni beli... abis ajer huhu.. bab2 makan no worries.. laju jer kitorang hehehe.... Serius bila aku tgk balik video yg bdk ni amik... masa aku kena conteng muke, dpt hadiah, kasik ucapan, bc doa makan.. terharu2....
satu lagi hadiah utk aku malam tuh.. aku main DotA.. pakai Razor... menang!! barang yg aku buat pun terbaek... huhuhu.. Bukhari pedeyyyyyyyyy!!! hhhhahahaha...
Event: Mengiringi aku ke airport
Venue: Airport Sydney
Date & Time: 2nd Aug 2008, Around 1200pm
Hari tu aku tumpang Abg Lan n Kak Zurin ke airport.. Ramai gak bdk2 ni yg datang iring aku utk pulang ke tanah air... sob sob.. bdk2 hall, tutor aku ms kat UM, kawan2 Eastlakes...
mula2 aku hepi jer... wat muke x nak sedey..... ye laaa... belum masa lagi kot.. hehhehahah.. then.. bila dh start dapat hadiah ie koala, tie, cap nike (thanx to Tas, ) .... mula laaa chapter utk say good bye.....
sorang2 aku approach.... then bila sampai kat papa.. aku x leh tahan.. when I hugged him, muke aku dh panas.. ada air turun dr Syiling hahaha.... x leh blah... Yuuu br ler nk nangis masa tuh.. Ju rilex cam biasa (luaran aar), Nazmin pun sama.... yang lelain... hanya ALLAH yang tau.... mujur ler aku leh control skit aku nyer air mata nih... huhu... abo abo... (Sabor Sabor... dipetik dari anak sedara Yuuu)
Biler aku blah.. masuk dlm departing gate... papa call... aku dengar suara dia sekat2... td dia ok.. huhu... Ju pun, Nazmin pun, Yuuu apatah lagi... lama kot diorang kat airport... aku pun x leh tahan... join sekali.... lama diorang kat situ.. thanx guys... U all mean a lot to me... then aku kol Ijan.... dia x datang pasal dh minta permisi aku x dtg.. takut sedey dia kata.. cam biasa.. ujan dua2.. haha... teruk nyer ujan tuh.. Patin! ko leh guna modal ni nanti hahaha.... Roomate aku pulak kol... dia x dtg.. pg canberra... utk apa aku x tau... hhuhu.. ms tu.. aku dh nk check in utk msk flight dah... thanx a lot guys..
Perpisahan... lumrah kehidupan... tapi bkn senang utk menghadapi perpisahan.... Perpisahan yg diiringi air mata... sob sob.. perpisahan.. dah dah... sedeyyyyyyyyy
Anyway... sekali lagi thanx... arigatou... hontouni.. arigatou gozaimas.... Kenangan aku sepanjang kat Sydney insyaALLAH x kan aku lupakan....
be sure to check this out:
defining a goodbye
Menghabiskan hari-hari terakhir bersama Apai
Awang is getting better..
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sydney... bye-bye...
ari ni aku antar barang... pakai Megatop... Air freight... cepat skit... mahal lebih skit jer dr guna kapal laut... Actually, semalam br aku shopping utk souvenir... selamba badak jer... hehehe.. selama ni bz duk main games... sengal giler kot hahhaha...
Malam td aku duk berkemas.. kejap jer.. dlm sejam aku dh siapkan 5 kotak... pastu... main DotA lagi... x leh tahan beb.. member2 ajak... lepas ni aku dh xde peluang nk main ngan bdk2 ni... plus aku kena keje.... sob sob.. then... kol 12 baru aku smbg keje aku... smpi kol 3 pg... huhuh.. setel... lega dah barang2 aku... selamat tinggal Sydney.. bye2... opppps... ni utk barang2 aku jer,... aku nyer bye2 tu nanti dulu ehhehee.... lambat lagi.. aku pulang 2 Aug 2008.....
sok nak p uni.. nk jmp my Supervisor... x setel lagi thesis aku nih.. plus nk antar progress report... then nk minta borang utk academic transcript.... then... ermmm... nk beli souvenir UNSW...mahal nk mampos.. then... erm.... nk p bondi shopping utk diri seniri plus utk brader yg bynk tlg aku....huhuhuh
So.... till then.. sayonara....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Compiz Fusion Shortcut
Hello again.. Right now, I'm going to post a keyboard shortcut for Compiz Fusion. This shortcut probably can help people for having fun with the Ubuntu desktop effects. Now, this is some shortcut:
SUPER+SHIFT+C = clear fire
CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW = rotate cube
CTRL+ALT+DOWN ARROW = flat desktop
ALT+TAB=window switch
SUPER+TAB=flip switcher or ring switcher depending on which is enabled.
ALT+F7=initiate 'move windows'
SHIFT+F9=water effect
SHIFT+F10=slow animations
CTRL+ALT+D=show desktop
For Grouping and Tabbing:
SUPER+S=Select Single Window
SUPER+T=Tab Group
SUPER+Left=Change Left Tab
SUPER+Right=Change Right Tab
SUPER+G=Group Windows
SUPER+U=Ungroup Windows
SUPER+R=Remove Group Window
SUPER+C=Close Group
SUPER+X=Ignore Group
hold the super button then select the windows you want to group and then hit super+g also You can add new shortcuts.
Note: SUPER Keys means the windows button.
For the Desktop Configuration, you also need to install the Compiz Config Manager by typing this code: " sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager " .**This articles have been taken from Linux Blog's Online for my own reference :D
**Another article on Compiz Fusion Shortcut**
For Linux users who are fortunate enough to be playing with the Desktop Effects on their favorite Linux distribution - mine is Ubuntu, here’s a list of keyboard shortcuts for the Compiz Fusion Desktop Effects that you may have been looking for. I have put together a list mainly because I’ve had a hard time finding a comprehensive list from a single location. I may have missed something, so please let me know. One more thing, the Super key is the Windows key in case you are wondering. Here are the shortcuts.
Desktop Effects1 | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Rotate Cube | Mousewheel on Desktop |
Switcher2 | Alt + Tab |
Shift Switcher3 | Super + Tab (2 modes: flip and cover) |
Ring Switcher | Super + Tab - overrides Shift Switcher |
Expo | Super + E (toggle) |
Film Effect | Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow4 |
Rotate Cube Manually | Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button |
Scale Windows | Alt + Shift + Up Arrow |
Show/Clear Desktop | Ctrl + Alt + D (toggle) |
Snapping Windows | Move a window across workspaces5 |
Screenshot | Super + Left Mouse Button |
Zoom In/Out | Super + Mousewheel |
Transparent Window | Alt + Mousewheel |
Resize Window | Alt + F8 |
Move Window | Alt + F7 |
Add Helper | Super + P |
Widget Layer | F9 (toggle) |
Water Effects | Shift + F9 (toggle) |
Fire Effects: On | Super + Shift + Left Mouse Button |
Fire Effects: Clear | Super + Shift + C |
Annotate: Draw | Super + Left Mouse Button |
Annotate: Start | Super + 1 |
Annotate: End | Super + 3 |
Group: Select Window(s) | Super + S |
Group: Group Windows | Super + T |
Group: Ungroup Windows | Super + U |
Group: Flip Windows | Super + Right or Left Arrow |
1 Effects have to be enabled to see results.
2 To see the full effect, have multiple windows or programs open.
3 To configure: Go to Advanced Desktop Effects Settings.
4 Use left and right arrow thereafter to move to workspaces.
5 Disables Wobbly Windows.
Make sure the effects are enabled to see results. You can do so by going to System - Preferences - Advanced Desktop Effects Settings. Some effects will disable others. For example, the Desktop Wall will disable the Desktop Cube, Snapping Windows will disable Wobbly Windows and many more. Please let me know if I missed something, so I can add more effects to the list.
Just wanna to tell all of ya... yesterday was my
Sikit punya ramai umat Katolik kat situ.. x jadi kitorang nk amik gambo.. posing2 kat Syd Opera Hse... Then.. as an alternative to the situation... naik tren ke Milson Point...
Aku x sangka.. kat situ pun... view dia lawaaaaa... betul2 ujung Harbour Bridge.. jambatan yg terkenal kat Sydney.. nak naik bridge ni.. mahal ooooo.. naik keta murah aar.. bayar toll.. if nk climb up the bridge.. it will cost you around $180... hampeh kan??!! by the way... kitorang amik laa gambo kat situ... Nice...
Kat situ pun ada laa nmpk Opera Hse... cinonet jer size... hehehe. jadi laaaa.... nak dijadikan cerita... amik jubah dlm kol 1030.... then... pergi ke City and bergamba sakan..abis dlm kol 1300... jubah kena pulangkan jam 1545.... sakit jiwa tol.. punye nak save budget... kongsi ramai2 jubah tuh... Ono+En Pres+Me.... $71/3... Honey+Iza..$71/2... hhehe nasib ler.... So kitorang pun bergegas ler... amik gambo mana yg sempat jer.. x leh nk posing lebey2...
But syukur sempat jugak nk bergambo kat UNSW... tapi... x bnyk shot... aku x dpt nk amik gambo kat Dept Biomed.. pasal x cukup masa+xde signboard yg menarik jiwa utk masuk dlm frame... but... it is a good day...
Credits to Ju, Nazrool and fifey.. thank a lot buddy!!!... so rini kitorang belanja diorang makan kat kedai TOT.. Taste of Thai... yummy...!!
Aku nak mandi.... sat lagi nk wat keje aka Dissertation report aku yg x kunjung tamat.... sob sob...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Farewell Diary...
Diari Aku:
Sabtu 12/07: Umah Kak Limah (petang)
Sabtu 12/07: Malaysia Hall (malam)
Ahad 13/07: Restaurant En Sudin (malam)
Sabtu 19/07: Umah En Asrul (petang)
Sabtu 19/07: Umah Kak Nany (malam)
Ahad 20/07: Umah Kak Juli (tgh ari)
Ahad 20/07: Umah En Farid (petang)
So far, ini saje laa... tp dh cukup bnyk utk aku..... sob sob.. terharu... trimas kepada sume yg menjemput...
**kami merujuk kepada 7 budak master yg nak balik pasal dh/bakal tamat belajar
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Trip to Snowy Mountain II
Tanpa sebarang perancangan.... tetiba ada peluang... grab je!!...
Ahli rombongan: Mr Muis, Ms Ang Ang, Ms Shuhanti, Ms Sharipah and me. Oppss.. lupe.. 1 keluarga Indonesia terdiri dari 1 pasangan suami isteri dan 2 anak.
Satu trip yg bakal menjadi kenangan sepanjang otak aku x bermasalah.... insyaALLAH.. terima kasih rakan2 utk trip yg bes ni!!..
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Student's Dilemma
"26........... 6....??"
"if 26........ isk2... keje x siap lagi... barang2 souvenir x beli lagi... nak pos brg lagi... borang utk supervisor x isi lagi... tp aku nk balik"
"if 6... aku leh ke snowy mountain... leh pack barang lenggang kangkong... leh isi borang apa sumer.. bu then... lmbt je rasa... aku nk balik"
"arghhh.. nyesal... hamik!!.. aku dh pesan.. jgn nk makan daging bnyk2... kang diri sendiri merana.. ko berlagak... x tahan nafsu seniri... makan kambing.. ko ingt kambing tu bkn daging?? ko bkn x tau... kambing tu lagi bisa... mangkuk ku anugerahkan utk diri seniri!!"
"padan muka!!.. skg ni sape yg nk tanggung!!!?? flat satu hari tidur... pandai2 laa ko cover lepas ni..."
"nak p Port Stephen....... main badminton.... farewell party..... "
"kesimpulan... kena siapkan keje ASAP!!!!"
"aku nak balik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Kisah Pemancing Ikan
tak lama kemudian Ajis nampak sebuah surau yg agak uzur kat tepi jalan sunyi kampung tu. bergegas dia berhenti, ditengoknya keliling tak ada orang, sunyi saja surau tu. Ajis segera mengambil wuduk dgn tergesa2 sbb waktu Zohor dah hampir nak habis. Masa Ajis di rakaat yg kedua, Ajis tiba-tiba terdengar bunyi suara orang ketawa. Bulu romanya tiba2 meremang, "Hish, sapa pulak yg gelak2 tu?" bisik hati Ajis, setiap kali Ajis sujud, Ajis terasa kepala & tengkuknya berat dr biasa, Ajis tak sedap hati, ni surau tinggal ker, sbb dah uzur sangat dan alahai, sapa pulak duduk kat tengkuk dia ni. Sedaya-upaya Ajis tenangkan hati, selesaikan solat dgn segera, dia nak tinggalkan cepat surau tu. Bulu romanya semakin meremang-remang sbb suara org ketawa semakin ramai, ada yg sampai terbatuk-batuk.
Syukur, Ajis dah berada di tahiyat terakhir, selesai memberi salam ke kanan dan ke kiri, Ajis meraup mukanya dgn tangan dr atas ubun2 kepala sampai ke dagu, then tiba-tiba Ajis tersedar. hehehe...rupa-rupanya dia terlupa nak tanggalkan helmet masa nak sembahyang tadi, sbb terlampau nak cepat, bila dia toleh belakang, patutlah dengar orang ketawa, rupa-rupanya tok imam, bilal dan orang2 kampung yg dtg nak sembahyang Asar duk gelakkan dia sebab Ajis sembahyang pakai helmet, patut ler kepala dia rasa berat semacam. Terus Ajis blah macam tu ajer, tak jadi pi memancing, dia pusing balik, sembahyang Asar kat rumah sendiri sajalah jawabnya..
moral : jangan melewat-lewatkan solat...sembahyanglah di awal waktu.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
My Successor in UM
Just wanna mention one thing... my younger brother finally successfully entering a University.. hehehe which also was my Uni some time ago... University of Malaya aka UM... the thing is.. he is also taking Biomedical Course.. isk2.. He is truly my brother... but not actually same as me.. He is taking Biohealth... hmmm sounds cam lebey kurang kan... but not the same... I never heard of Biohealth at UM before.. probably none of my friend taking this course.. anyway... Gud Luck my brother... Congratulation...!! Hope you will follow me and if u don't want... make it better than me!!.. become a good man in ur life...
~From your brother far far far away downunder..
** Just winning the DOTA for the first time (me vs com)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Another Moment To Remember
Time: 1400-1500
Location: My room..
Subject: YM
Person Involve: 1 Guy & 1 Girl
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fewwwwwh!! it's all done... at least for now
See!!... the image at the top.. hehe.. this is my deskbed... the look when I was 'agak pening' thinking bout the report... adehh... this is not really a mess to me... but enough to make me having a headache seeing the bed with all those stuff.. ngaaaa!! but now.. it's already been cleaned up and straighten...
This is another thing!!... what da damn unwired!!!... how could u!!!.. u see at the top of the window... there's a modem hanging... hehe.. actually... there's another one hiding behind the curtain... that's mine... what u see is my friend's modem.. He actually steal the signal from my modem... make me always sick surfing the net!!.. sux!! ie.. as rite now... 'limited connection or connectivity', 'a cable network is unplugged'... kambing!!! ermm.. could u plz ignore all those wires... it's not an engineering fault... it's just.... 'lantak laaa' ... ngeeeeeeee
to tell u the truth.... I supposed to do my homework since I've already spent my nite with friend's.... DOTAing... shoot!!! arghh... ok.. this is my promise to myself.... after the asar, I'll focus on the write up of my project!!!... end of story!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
wakakak.... poor me.. hmmmm.... ok let me leave the problem for myself... inside my head.. and this is not the entry for that problem... (not a real problem... just a problem... huh??!!)
Ok!!!... back to the topic that I would like to tell which is something related to IT or computer... Ubuntu... what is Ubuntu?? I don't wanna write about the basic here... just click to this link
Last week... or last couple of weeks.. I can't remember the exact day/date/time... I've installed one of many Linux distribution... Ubuntu... the idea to install this OS is went through my mind since when I was trying to fix my friend's computer... I don't know the real problem is... it is just the message "NTLDR is missing"...... sort of... this problem... took me a lot of time... do this and that.. try and error... but always an error coming out instead of something nice... sigh.. then .. I remember to use the DamnSmallLinux... I've already discuss about this topic sometime ago... actually this is my last resort in order to try to save the date from being corrupted with the OS.. and then.. one of my friend said that he used LiveCD instead... so... As usual me... I'm become too curious to know the detail of Ubuntu... so............. I try to use the LiveCD (Ubuntu 7.10)... exploring...... bla bla bla... kinda of like it... and then finally decided to install on my laptop.. but I don't like to have dual booting... so.. after a long search and reading... i've decided to install on my external HD...
My first attempt to install the new OS was a failure since the CD i used somehow can't copy some of the files needed.. so... i went to my school hehee.... connected to the wireless service.. and then... download the installer.. (AMD64 version).... it was a complete success i thought so... but somehow... I don't realize the mistake that I made..
I've read about a way to clean install in the external HD but it made me pondering and thinking over and over.. It is said that i need to disconnect my internal HD to avoid from my MBR being altered.... but I kinda reluctant to do so because it is quite a critical time for me.. I need to study for my exam hehe.. there you see ... haha.. supposed i need to focus on my exam but... this kind of things made me wondering and contemplating ... so that i can't focus on my exam.. hehhee.. therefore.... due my reluctance to open up my internal HD.. finally i had installed the OS on my external without disconnecting the internal HD... I thought it went well but.. when i try to boot my windows OS.... it won't boot.. in other words.. It can't boot unless I connect my external to the USB port.. harghhhhhhhhhhh...
Then... I try to solve the problem by reading in the internet... bla bla bla.. it is actually related to the MBR that I mentioned earlier before.. my MBR has been overwritten with GRUB... a boot loader package from the GNU Project.. damn.... this is real problem.. when I trying to solve the problem.. actually I just added more problem hahaa.. damn.. I can't boot even when I was connecting my external.. woowowowoww... this is bad....!! Some command i used back then... was like fixmbr, ermmmm and some sort of Linux command.. hehehehe.. sorry.. I can't remember.. it is a whole time of worrying I couldn't fix them.. huh.. then... finally I made a decision to rewrite the boot.ini manually.. hahaha.. how dare I am rite??!! hehehe.. it is a successful daring move that I had ever made.. But thanks to this boot problem, now I've realize what the real problem of my friend's laptop... the one that I mentioned earlier.. She still have the problem and asking me to help her after my exam finished. Rite now what she do is boot from her USB hehehe.... flash drive.. it's not too bad for her.. huhu...
So, one problem had been solve, boot into windows OS.. but what cost me is I can't boot into Ubuntu since i had to removed the Grub. Then, one day I took out my internal HD and began to reinstall my Ubuntu .. owh I forgot to mention.. this is newer version 8.04 Hardy Heron... AMD64 version... to make the story short... Actually I was planning to install on my external because 1) I don't like to have dual booting 2) I want my Ubuntu to be a portable OS for me..
There you go.. another mistake by me!! warghhh.... why should I install AMD64 version?? I want to make it portable.. so.. not many computer are based on 64 architecture... gerrrghhh.... Then.... went upstairs... huhuhu.. (don' tell others) download x86 version.... which is more suitable and compatible with most other computers....
Finally, after reinstall again... this time using i386 or x86 version... fewwwwwh.... this is time to learn to use Ubuntu.. I was born with windows environment... therefore... it would take times to familiarize myself with this new OS.. especially when there is a lot of command... huhu.. but I kinda of like Ubuntu... but.. my priority now is to finish up all my reports... total of three... and then.... i can do whatever I like.... huhu.. but now.. dotA is on my way........... gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
The conclusion... I'm only a beginner with Ubuntu but would like to know more about it.. go Linux go!!! don't let Microsoft dominate the virtual world.... go open source go!!!.. hehee..
Monday, June 16, 2008
A little story after the Final Exam...
finally.... this is the final of the finals.... my last xm was on the 13th of June 2008.... hopefully... i can't guarantee the outcome of the xm yet... but.. lets pray that it will become a good one.. insyaALLAH....
aah.. today is.. Monday.... yeah.. it's Monday... 0100am in the morning... currently browsing through an e-book... guess what... i have a brand new hobby hhahaa..... but before i go on further into the topic... let me just rewind back things I've done after the xm... hehehe... don't worry.. it's not gonna be a whole lot of essay u found in the xm kekeke....
The day of my last xm was on Friday.... finished brainstorming my head at around 1230pm.. then.. went to my friend's house.. not in my schedule but just accept the invitation of my colleague.. Also this is the chance to see his house.. afterall, I were his housemate for the last 2 semesters. ahhh... no need to tell this boring story... ok skip to the next topics..
to make the story short... this is the list of activities I've done for the past 2 days...
*m = morning, a = afternoon, e = evening, n = night
Praying Jumuah -n
Playing badminton with friends -n -e
Playing LAN games (dotA Allstars) -n
Playing LAN games (dotA Allstars) -m
Sleeping like a new born baby -m -a
Went to Worldkitchen warehouse at Alexenderia... bought a couples sets of corellee... Spent a lt of many wooooo... but it's okay... once in a lifetime hehehe.... also... it's not for me.. it's for my mom, sisters and me hohooh.....
Do maintenance on my lappy (laptop) -a
Install new OS (Linux/Ubuntu) -e -n
Can't remember what I was doing back then... hmm
Learning and tweaking with my new OS.. kinda like it.. I should do all the assignment that need to be submit on 23rd June.. but... this Ubuntu make me wondering and contemplating the whole time adehhh....
To be honest.. today I spent most of my time for Ubuntu adehh... noooooooooo!!! i should stop doing this things and concentrate on my report... but.. can't resist maaaa
To be specific... now.... blogging... dowhhhhhhh -m
It's 0129am in the morning... I should go to sleep... I'll continue to write on Ubuntu as I am very much into it... so just want to share some of my little experience on this thing.. so... as for now... jya ne!!
to be continued....
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Final of the final: Part 2
" Bismillahi tawakkaltu a'lALLAH. wa laa haula walaa quwwata illaa bILLAHil a'liyyil a'zim "
Monday, June 9, 2008
Final of the final: Part 1
Rite now... blogging!!!?? what the ...***..
I have papers on wed and fri... but neither papers haven't finished read/revised yet.. I don't know..
wish me all da best dear readers............
really hope I can at least pass all da papers... wanna go homeeeeeeeee...
Monday, June 2, 2008
Kewajipan Menegur
Persepsi Diri Yang Salah
Ada di antara kita yang memandang zaman ini menegur orang biarlah kepada mereka yang ber'authoriti'. Serahkan sahaja pada pak imam, AJK kerohanian, ustaz atau ustazah dan sebagainya. Ada yang berpendapat untuk menegur orang lain diri perlu menjadi maksum seperti Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tidak kurang juga ramai yang takut kerana khuatir terjejasnya pengaruh, populariti dan keseronokan pergaulan sedangkan sebagai umat Islam keredhaan ALLAH itu adalah matlamat dan mengatasi segala-galanya.
Kewajipan Nasihat Menasihati Bukanlah Untuk Orang Tertentu
Sudilah memberi teguran yang baik dan berhikmah, kerana tanpanya manusia akan selalu terbabas. Fitrah manusia yang selalu lupa dan terburu-buru, seringkali diruntun oleh gelodak nafsu. Berbanggalah diri sebagai seorang Islam, menjadikan kita ini sebahagian dari masyarakat yang membentuk manusia dari dalam dan luar. Jika berdiam sahaja melihat buasnya dunia melalaikan manusia, alamat kita sendiri sedang menuju kehancuran. Terlalu mengharapkan orang lain kadangkala hanya meninggalkan harapan sahaja. Allah memberitahu di dalam Al Quran yang bererti, “Hendaklah ada sebahagian dari golongan yang menyeru kepada kebaikan dan melarang kepada kemungkaran. Mereka itulah orang yang Berjaya”. (Surah Ali Imran : 104)
Kita adalah umat yang terbaik yang lahir dari kelompok manusia wajib untuk mengajak kepada kebajikan dan mencegah kemungkaran. Hukumnya sudah menjadi wajib pada masa kini kerana golongan yang menegur itu semakin mengecil jumlahnya. Menasihati bukan satu cara sahaja. Seorang muslim yang hebat mempunyai daya pemikiran yang kreatif tidak akan putus-putus untuk mengajak manusia kepada kebaikan. Ada daya dengan tangan, maka penyampaian nasihat melalui tulisan atau lukisan.
Menyentuh hati kadangkala lebih berjaya dengan diri dan keperibadian kita sendiri. Lantaran itulah Islam menekankan konsep keperibadian dan akhlak yang mulia. Islam itu adalah menyeluruh dan tidak terhad setakat ibadat solat lima waktu di masjid dan surau semata-mata. Tetapi, penerapan dan aplikasi perlu diterjemahkan dalam kehidupan seharian dalam pelbagai cabang dan ruang lingkup. Dengan ini akan lahirlah keseimbangan(Tawazun) antara ibadat yang dikerjakan dan kesan pengibadatan tersebut yang dizahirkan melalui akhlak dan peribadi kita.
ALLAH melihat usaha kita
Pastinya, Allah melihat natijah kepada usaha kita yang sentiasa menyeru kepada kebaikan. Kepekaan dan sensitiviti kita terhadap perkara mungkar walaupun kita berhadapan dengan suasana yang seperti menghalalkan perkara tersebut tetapi hukum Islam kekal mengharamkannya. Maka, marilah nasihat-menasihati sesama kita kerana tiada kerugian dalam melaksanakan amar ma'ruf dan nahi munkar.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Aku tgh makan megi + crumped (macam pancake jer.. bersama yogurt+coklat spread.. erm sedap)
Jam menunjukkan kol 230+-.. (aku lepak2 dari kol 2)
Tetiba presiden hall kuar berlari2.. menuju ke pintu.. pelik nooor.. apekeheinyer...
Pastu ada si awek nih... 2 orang... kuar buat benda yg sama.. hek eeh.. mende dak2 nih...
"weh!! apehal korang nih??!!. Ada mende kat luar tuh???"
"xde... tadi ada Evy telepon.. kata ada org masuk hall... mcm amik beskal.."
"Owh yeke... "
Aku pun kuar aaa... dgn sudu tea and garpu kat tangan.. ke arah tmpt parking beskal..
"looooor... ni mcm chain aku nyer beskal..."
"sah dah nih.. abis beskal aku..."
27 May 2008... 240pm..
**dialog diolah mengikut ingatan aku
**mahal aku beli beskal nih... AUD200
Monday, May 26, 2008
why u shoudn't have only one partition on ur HD??
1) go to PC shop OR ask ur friend to look into the problems
2) Use windows recovery console
3) take out ur hard disk and make it as external drive..
4) Download DamnSmallLinux (DSL) and use it to retrieve ur data
5) Also u can use LiveCD from Ubuntu (download or request free cd).. This way is much easier. No need to alter anything from ur windows file. Try it to love it.
That's all for now that I would be able to think of... but.. my advise...
1) plzzzzzzzzzzz do not put ur precious data on C drive
2) plzzzzzzzzzzz make another partition (can use partition magic)
3) plzzzzzzzzzzz backup ur data if u don't have multiple partition
4) plzzzzzzzzzzz do not save ur data on ur active partition (partition with OS)
5) plzzzzzzzzzzz do not suffer ur friends life by working out ur problem....
allright.... keep on rolling babeyyyyyyyy!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Simulating MATLAB
1325: Start running the program.. MATLAB status = bz
1400: Study biomechanics.. MATLAB status = bz
1415: Zzzzzzzzz + Biomech, MATLAB status = bz
1450: Musolla... Praying.. MATLAB status = bz
1520: Biomech.. MATLAB status = bz
1615: Out to Centennial.. Jogging.. MATLAB status = bz
1705: MATLAB status = bz... Musolla.. Praying..
1745: Chatting.. MATLAB status = bz
1815: Biomech.. ZZZzzzz.. MATLAB status = bz
1832: Musolla.. Praying..MATLAB status = bz.. Ctrl+C
1905: Dinner.. MATLAB status = ???.. (LAPTOP=shutdown)
Actually.. it is not because the MATLAB my lappy is shutting down.. but.. yeah.. it is MATLAB.. but... it is me who pressing the combination key CTRL+C which cause the program to halt.. haha... No no no.. my CPU temperature was constantly at 80 degree C for bout 5 hours.. Never mind.. Just let the Dekstop at my lab do the job.. it is designed for heavy usage watttttt!!
~Currently... me.. in the lab.. studying.. biomech..(test maaa on wed at 1000).. MATLAB simulation is running and still running ... till now.. it is 5 hours already hahaha.. but.. no sign to finish at all.. last time.. when I quit the simulation.. it was processing more than 13000s of data... so.. expected to finished in 7 hours.. think so.. let it be.. i'll collect the output at the very tomorrow morning... not really in the early morning.... at 1000 i guess.. Zohor at +-1200.. yeah.... ok stop here.. need to cont on my biomech... warghhhhhh... i hate test+quiz+exam... may ALLAH always be with me..
Updated at 1817
The simulation is still running.. and it's been 8 hours... owwww GOD!!.. I'm goin' home
Updated 0942, Tue 13/05/08
It is still running!!! Shoot!!... Why it takes so long?? I have no idea at all.... shushhhhhh..
Updated 1244, Tue 13/05/08
Finally....... fewwwwwwwwwwwh... the simulation was ended when I was praying... the result is a set of an array of 13931 X 54 data.. but.. yesterday evening, my Supervisor had asked me to filter out those data which are rubbish.. to make the program run faster and somehow ease me to analyze them.. Now.. I need to redo the simulation... ~sigh.. but of course with the smaller dataset....
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Bendahari OR benda hari-hari??
Cukuplah....!!Hakikat yang berlaku
Lepas ni... jangan harap nk suruh aku jaga duit...
Pening kepala aku...
Memang patut laa masa tingkatan 4 dulu... seminggu je aku masuk kelas accounting,..
Kerja bendahari ni mmg pening....
So, kalau kawan korang kerja bendahari... jangan pelik laaaa kalau dia duk mengadap excel 5 jam straight....
Aku bukan bendahari persatuan....
Aku bukan pemegang tabung mana-mana badan kebajikan
Aku hanya penyelaras untuk bil-bil rumah
Aku juga menyelaras segala benda mak nenek berkaitan dengan rumah...
I spent my whole damn night yesterday to calculate the bills... to calculate on the house renting.. on things... everything.... It is a tiring nite.... I'm wasting my whole nite for something not worth it to spend for.... do the calculation…. Balancing everything… the result looks very very weird… alter the rows…. Change value in columns… owh… damn!!!
What the heck am I doing??? My bad…. I let the whole damn thing mount up for 5 months… hahah… you got served!!! So…..
Tolong laaa jangan pass kat aku lagi bab2 jaga duit nih… tidakkkkkkkk!!!... If nak bagi duit…. Then lantak aku laaa nk wat ape ngan duit tuh… itu aku alu2kan sangat :D…
Dah2…. Cukup merepek…. Ari ni x cukup tidur….
900pm: Kira duit
1000pm: kira duit
1100pm: kira duit
200am: kira duit
230am: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
500am: Subuh..
600am: Foosball
700am: Kira duit
800am: kira duit
830am: sarapan
930am: ke kelas
1030am: tdo dalam kelas…
100pm: abis kelas.. lapo..
130pm: makan nasi basmati + butter chicken + madras beef
200pm: Zohor…
300pm: ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
Bendahari Bersara (BB)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Cersadek: Hujan d pagi ahad
Agar otak aku dapat secubit ilmu...
Agar aku dapat mengambil data utk projek aku...
Agar aku dapat lari dari aura kemalasan bilik...
Namun.... kerana kebijaksanaan aku ini... terjadilah sebuah kisah cersadek (cerita sangat pendek) untuk hari ahad yg berbahgia ni..
Waktu Kejadian 1: 1100++am
Lokasi: Dewan Malaysia, Sydney
Watak Utama: Aku, Abg Presiden (AP)
Ringkasan Cerita:
AP: Jom!! p uni... kata xde mood duk hall nk study..
Aku: erm.. ko nk wat per kat uni?? p library ke??
AP: Xde lah.. aku ada nk wat simulation skit..
Aku: owh.. ok gak.. jap aku nk p bersiap..
Waktu Kejadian 2: 1200-+pm
Lokasi: Library UNSW, Sydney
Watak Utama: Aku Sorang
Ringkasan Cerita:
"Isk2.. mana laaa plak buku electronics nih... agak2 ar library besor camni xde buku fundamental"
"Haaaa.. akhirnya.... bes gak buku nih.. pinjam la kot.."
"Pas pinjam nih leh p lab amik data utk analyze"
~Berjalan ke lif
"Eh.. jap!! mane lak aku punyer wallet?? hampeh.. aku rs cam dah amik td!!"
Sambil seluk poket kiri "Ipod ajer"
Sambil seluk poket kanan "Ni Hp aku!!"
Meraba kedua2 poket belakang "xde!! kosong jer"
"Arghh!! mangkuk giler!!! apsal ler asik wat benda2 pelik camnih.. "
"Jauh tuh nk datang cni dr hall... dh laaa ari ahad.....warghh!!!"
Waktu Kejadian 2: 1230-+pm
Lokasi: Library UNSW, Sydney
Watak Utama: Aku Sorang Lagi
Ringkasan Cerita:
Jangan kacau aku lah... nk study Op-Amp nih... dh la x paham apa lect ajar dlm kelas.. isk2.. tutorial nk kena anta khamis nih... Selasa Supervisor nk jumpa.. kena dtg lab sok nih.. amik data n analyze... Rabu ada discussion ngan group member utk Biomechanics Assignment.. Isnin depan nk kena antar assginment Biomechanics 1..
Moral of da story
- Sebelum nak pergi ke sesuatu tempat yg agak jauh dr tempat tinggal, baik check sume benda yang wajib d bawa..
- Kalau dh kantoi plan A, pandai2 laa wat plan baru...
- Jangan duk ingat benda yg nth pape... bnyk berangan nanti aku penangan kang!!
(Tajuk entry xde kena mengena sangat dengan isi kandungan.. dats y BM aku x pernah dpt A.. asik lari topik jer.. #-o)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Inertia yang wujud adalah terlalu besar...
Aku dah cuba untuk mencari pecutan yang di perlukan..
Tapi apakan daya... pecutan yang terhasil belum mencapai tahap dimana ia mampu untuk menghasilkan momentum yang besar
Sesungguhnya.. momentum tersebut hanya dapat dihasilkan apabila curahan adrenalin hadir seperti air yang keluar dari sebuah empangan yang pecah..
Hanya masa yang tertentu sahaja dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang seperti itu...
Perlu mencari satu formula/algorithm untuk memastikan adrenalin tersebut dpt dikawal sesuka hati..
Aku perlukannya disaat sebegini...
**maafkan diatas ayat BM yang sangat broken.. sesungguhnya BM aku mmg sengal
Sunday, April 6, 2008
da To'wan Identity
For those who aren't very familiar with this term (I'm very very sure everyone knows but assuming there's someone out there who aren't from our gugusan melayu and accidentally read my nthhape2blog nih....) I'll give short explanation on it..
"to'wan, toqwan is similar to tokwan but are not the same. To'wan is described as a young man but behave like tokwan. In the contrary tokwan is an old man and behave like an old man (orthodox). At the same time to'wan is also one who doesn't even know he acted like an old man. To'wan also have very similar symptoms that usually an old man have. He tends to forget things easily and sometimes he can even remember the smallest things that no one expect him to remember. For further explanation, please refer to original dictionary like kamus dewan" Extracted from to'wan dictionary.I would like to give my special credit to a friend who is responsible for introducing this term in my life. She is currently in Malaysia and having her long holiday before coming back to Australia (Most probably and maybe the fact will change depends on internal and external factors). She was living in Barkers Apartment UNSW for a year. She had her first degree in UTM and went to further her studies on Math at UNSW, Australia. She is also known as "clumsy GPS". And I also would like to give my credit to her housemates for made to'wan quite popular among my friends.
am I missing something???!!........ errrr.. ~sigh
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
virus.. spyware.. kaspersky... eset.. norton
The story begin when a friend ask me to look after her pc.. she got a little bit depressed (exaggerating) when her YM can't be opened.. I looked at it and knows something is wrong.. In addition the local disk also can't be open as usual. It will pop up a menu "open with".. So.... she asked me because she knew i might have something in my sleeves to secure the problem. So, I try. Try.. and try again... but failed to disinfect the file.. I jump to the conclusion that she might need to format the pc.. and unfortunately she is using XP pro.. no one had the installation CD.. so.. i gave the pc back to her..
before i know what is going on, I'm myself got infected with the damn spyware/virus... shoot!!!! I hate spyware... last time too due to spyware.. and now spyware... damn!! it started with the local disk... can't be open.. i try to view the hidden file .. but failed.. because that damn thing had modified the registry entry.. arghh... sux!!
So i went to uni (because internet connection in my room like ***t) to get faster internet.. i downloaded ESS** and run a full in depth scan. Also not to be forgotten the SuperAntiSpyware (SAS). I run both to ensure that damn thing will not go through the what so called antivirus and antispyware.. I'm very disappointed when the ESS that claimed to be the winner for 2 years in this field failed to block/pin down this damn thing. As for SAS.. it managed to located all the file infected but can't delete the file.. just put it in quarantine folder.
Damn!!! after i spent a lot of my time... what i've experienced is a waste of time.. the damn thing never ever want to get out of my pc.. shoot!! I said "I need to try kaspersky".. But u know what happened then??!! The so called kaspersky caused my windows to response very very slow till i need to shut it down by force. I don't even know how many times I do the same thing.. But for me as well.. stuck in a circle.. run the windows in safe mode.. unfortunately can't uninstall the K*** thing... I tried so many times.. Untill I realized how stupid I am.. why no t just use the system restore.. ~sigh.. Finally it went well.. I mean the windows can finally started normally.. Then............ when I thought the problem was solved......... the K thing or the damn thing i don't know which one caused certain program to be freeze... Even the system restore itself.. SHOOT!!!
That's it!!! i need to format my pc... to make story short... I've installed NORTON (v8-i look down on norton before) because it somehow can detect a virus/spyware namedly win32.gammima............. ~sigh.. But it is not easy to remove this thing.. even when i format the pc... the damn thing is still intact in my hard disk!! SHOOT!!...
GIVE UP!!! don't know what to do.. then when i was having my breakfirst.. someone told me to use "SmitFraudFix".. and i tried.. but not very effective.. but at least having some effect.. then i browse the internet and found a program called "ComboFix".. i used it and finally.... I'm free again... hahaha... syukur............ eventhough... it still left some remnant on the hard disk.. i need to clear it myself.. and till know though!! hopefully it is the inactive one.. i don't want to do the stupid thing over and over again... u know what!! I've even thinking to switch to vista hahah... I don't know.. it is just a matter of the installer of the vista.. if it worked well (pirate version).. I'm confident I'm using vista right now haha..
but thanks to norton for giving me an explanation how to remove the damn thing even though it not worked well with me.. thanks to SmitFraudFix and ComboFix... FYI I'm using Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition right now.. But have been thinking to return to ESS... I don't know.. it is just a matter of time....
huh... u damn little thing win32.gammima + Kaspersky!!! u wasted my time.. more than a day!! SHOOT!!!...
I wanna have shower!!!
**Eset Smart Security 3.0
***Kaspersky 7.0 (BAN!!!)
Updated on Wed, 1750 Oz time
Today I'm surfing as usual and my mind kept telling me not to trust the Norton AV. So I read about ranking and all those stuff including details of every reviews I found on the net. There's one story I want to tell here which is a turning point where I started to pull back my hatred against Karspersky. Yesterday night when I played again with ESS and try to install on my pc together with Norton that already in the system, something had happened. Guess what?!! My pc froze and won't give any response. So as usual me.. RESTORE again ~sigh. Now I realized that the day before when I installed Kaspersky, ESS is already in my system. Maybe... it is just maybe ESS was the one who caused all those problem. But to ensure things, I've already tried to install Kaspersky alone.. before I format my pc and the result just another disappointment. The system "hang" after a while I played around with it.
However, this is me hahaha.. never satisfied with antivirus. Keep looking for the best!! Most of the reviews on same side with Kaspersky. Damn it!! ESS/NOD32 2.7 just at the edge OR on par with Kaspersky. So, I'm risking again my OS life with the Kaspersky installation.. Finally I've succeed and it is just a matter of time to write something about it..
Ja ne!!*