Thursday, December 22, 2011

MATLAB: Overriding the default .mat file version

Hi there,

I've been working with Matlab ver 7.5 yesterday at home.. yeah at home....
since the toolbox of Matlab ver 6.5 at school is so limited... well..

feel kind of uneasy to show them my own ver of Matlab (you know why).. so, I was saving the workspace as usual way. Unfortunately, Matlab ver 6.5 can't read the .mat file generated. Frustrated...

After some googling... I found the way to overcome this prob.. enjoy!!

Overriding the Default MAT-File Version

To identify or change the default version, select File > Preferences > General > MAT-Files. Alternatively, specify the version as an option to the save function.
For example, to create a MAT-file named myfile.mat that you can load with MATLAB Version 6, use the following command:
save('myfile.mat', '-v6')
The possible version options for the save function include -v4-v6-v7, and -v7.3. For more information about the differences between previous and current MAT-file versions, see the save function reference page.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kingsoft Writer - MS Office Alternative

Post ini aku tujukan khas buat rakan-rakan aku yang dulu-dulu asik pakai MS Office pirate.

Sekarang aku tak pakai dah yang pirate pasal opis aku ada kasik yang ori punyer... so, sesapa yang masih stick ngan MS Office pirate dan rasa macam dah tak nak guna pirate soft lagi.... silalah guna samada Libre Office or Kingsoft Office.

Kedua-dua software ni adalah free.... dan King Office ada version Professional yang berbayar.. sangat murah berbanding dengan MS Office.

Beza antara free version and yang berbayar boleh korang tengok kat sini.
Beza antara Office Libre dan King Office boleh korang tengok kat sini.

Office Libre adalah open source dan semakin hari semakin improve. Cumanya, masalah sikit pasal Office Libre ni dia tak berapa nak mesra dengan MS Office. Kalu buka docs daripada MS Office sure ada margin lari sana sini... sakit ati gak laaa...

King Office on the other hand, mmg di buat sebagai alternatif untuk MS Office dan very compatible with MS Office.

Aku guna dua-dua software diatas... ikut sesedap rasa.. dah kasik free... install jer ler.....

Cukup la setakat Writer (Word), Presentation (Power Point) dan Spreadsheet (Excel).. Korang bukan guna lebih dari tu pun.... nak power-power spec dia sangat pun wat membazir memory jer...

Mari kita bergerak kearah Zero Piracy!!...

Ust Zaharudin ada pendapat tersendiri pasal piracy ni... Ust Azhar Idrus pun ada pendapat dia yang unik.... korang pilih lah...

Ubuntu 11.10

Semalam.... upgrade ubuntu 11.04 ke 11.10 .... semuanya berjalan seperti biasa... tetiba....

keluar window yang mengatakan aku hanya buat partial upgrade... eeeehhh!!??

so, aku bukak update manager and buat partial upgrade.... so far... everything so good.. until restart then aku dapat message yang ubuntu tak dapat nk set resolution ke pixel yang sepatutnya... so, aku tau laaa yang driver nvidia tu belum activate lagi...

pendekkan cerita... driver tu tak dapat nk di install dan aku search... punya search... search punya... dapat tau yang ini mmg masalah yang orang ramai jugak selain dari aku....

punya search lagi search.... aku install satu .sh file yang ada command utk install nvidia driver... unfortunately..  I think i have disrupt the grub menu and something else in the system.. before I went to sleep, the screen won`t boot into the system instead showing error in mounting the HD... arghh.. wtfish!!..

dengan bangganya.... aku tutup laptop and masuk tido... lagi best!!.. bila pulak lagi aku nk bukak external HD aku yang ada ubuntu tuh.. pasalnya kat laptop aku dia x mau boot.. kat laptop bini aku nk pulak... pilih kasih tol!!!..

padan muke aku ko ... install tak tengok tarikh articles dalam tenet tu publish biler...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

House Warming

Setelah 3 bulan genap hari ni aku landing @Jepun...
baru semalam buat housewarming... sebabnya.... owang umah aku da smpi last week..

buat sesimple jah... Nasi ayam... puding (aku rasa laa..).. fruit skewers... abis gak aar 6 periuk nasik :)


~seyes sejuk... main2 area bawah 4 je skg neh adeshhh!!..

Friday, December 16, 2011

PDF Reader


lama dah tak update rakaman2 yang tak bes pasal kehidupan seharian aku neh huhu.. anyway...

This is a very short entry...

Sedang membaca e-buku, aku nak bookmark page yang menarik... MALANGNYA Adobe X yang aku guna ni hampeh banyak sket. Punya laaa zaman berubah, tapi adobe masih tak nak sediakan tool utk page bookmark. So, aku pun cari laa plugin yang mana patut dan jumpa laaa plugin ini. Bagi sesiapa yang pakai Win 7, letak file ni di C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Javascripts.

Plugin ni ok laa... tapi aku x berapa nk suka pasal performance lembap sket... so, malas nk huru hara... aku pun bertukar laa kepada Foxit Reader... aku da pernah pakai software free neh dulu... tp bagi aku, interface yang adobe buat tu lebih familiar.. dats y liat sket nk pindah ke reader lain..

But, これから (baca from no now on) aku pakai Foxit Reader kot.... senang nk read e-book yang aku download tuh...



Serius!!! aku suke Foxit Reader latest version ni... aku x suka sangat pakai keyboard bila membaca pdf... dan this app really provide usefull shortcut to many essential function!! yeah!! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

LaTeX series -- Figure


Well... LaTeX lesson is back!!!..

Today.... I got stuck on chart... well.... it is not really stuck.... I could convert text as figure if I MS word. However, I'm currently using LibreOffice that does not support this particular functionality. All I could do is to convert the chart to pdf file and convert to .eps file...

Well... it works but I was reluctant to admit that the quality of .eps file is quite low..  So, I spent "quite some time" (3 hours or so) to figure out on how to generate quality .eps file... Again... I was loath to install any software such as Inkscape which really capable of handling .eps file (generating/converting to .eps)...

To cut the story short.... I GIVE UP on trying to find the solution.... urmmm... the quality of pdf file is better in my opinion.... So.... What I did was:-

(a) Paste the chart generated in LibreOffice Writer into LibreOffice Draw
(b) Export as pdf
(c) Download pdf-cropper. Crop the white space.
(d) Replace \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} with \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} *refer to LaTeX entry
(e) Add a new package \usepackage{epstopdf}
(f) Replace setting in Quick Build from "LaTeX + DviPs + Ps2Pdf + Pdf Viewer" to "PdfLaTeX + Pdf Viewer"

Now... everything is in order.... instead using .eps file for the figure... I will use .pdf file which could easily generated and much better in quality. I will stick with this setting for a while until I find a way to use .eps file effectively..... 

Until then..... Good luck for me!! :)

Update: Dec 8, 2011

Sometimes it's annoying to set up the figure placement if you want to use figure that span for two column {figure*} instead of {figure}. Well, there are solutions for this particular problem. You can use \usepackage{dblfloatfix} which actually a combination of package stfloats and fixltx2e. Placement control such as [tbp] can be used "correctly", though it depends on your document as well. The more figure*, the messy will it be.. 

Update: Jan 19, 2012

When using subfigure package, certainly we want to cite the figure in the main text and for IEEE the citation/reference would be something like "Fig. 1(a)". Using default configuration \ref{figure} would not work and will display "Fig. 1a". On the other hand, \subref{figure} will only display "Fig. (a)". Nevertheless, there is a simple twewak that I found to be useful and worked perfectly. Just add the following command and BOOM!!!... \subref{figure} command will now present you with "Fig. 1(a)" perfectly!!


~see LaTeX, LaTeX series -- Table

Monday, December 5, 2011

LaTeX series -- Table

Minna sann~..... genki desuka?!!

Jyaa~... kyou... oppss... tershashul pulop!!.... ari ni aku belajar Te-Form (て-Form) kat kelas... pening sket aar... bnyk sgt condition dia... basically apa yang aku faham....
verbs ます-Form boleh dipecahkan kepada 3 kelas... Group I, II & III.

Group II & III adalah mudah.... hanya perlu omit ますand replace with て. Untuk Group II, bunyi yang terakhir sebelum ます adalah "ee" (え). Perbezaan antara Group II & III hanyalah pada Noun+ます (Group II) dan Noun+します (Group III).... Sebagai contoh:-

Group II:-

みせます >> みせて
おしえます >> おしえて

Group III:-

べんきょうします >> べんきょうして
さんぽんします >> さんぽんして

Bagi Group I pula, agak sukar sedikit kerana banyak condition dimana ia bergantung kepada bunyi akhir sebelum ます. Eh.....!!

Macam silap entry je neh... huhuhuhu... ok ok... back to the topic...

Today, I've spent most of my time to figure out how to draw a nice table!!! It's quite challenging, especially for me who is very new to LaTeX... enough with talk... let's go straight to the point.. Alrite..

First thing, we need to determined how the table should be. For two column articles, would it be 1 column? span for 2 column? . Then, how many column would you like to have for the table etc... I'll only show what I've done today for my future reference :-)

\newcommand\T{\rule{0pt}{3.1ex}} % Adds a space between the text and the [T]op \hline
\newcommand\B{\rule[-1.7ex]{0pt}{0pt}} % Adds a space between the text and the [B]ottom \hline
\setlength{\doublerulesep}{\arrayrulewidth} %make \hline \hline as thick line

\begin{table*}[!t]  %span table for 2 column. Omit * if want to make table in 1 column
\caption{Title of the table}
%make 3 column, set alignment for column 1- left, column 2-right & column 3-center
\begin{tabular}{l r c} 
\hline \hline %bold horizontal line. Act as the table border

% \multicolumn{2}{c}-- meaning, span 2 column and centered
% \T \B -- meaning, add space for top and bottom
% \cline{2-3} -- meaning, make a line from column 2 until column 3
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Some Title}} \T \B \\ \cline{2-3}

% \multicolumn{1}{l} -- meaning, change alignment for column 1, from original right align to left align
% \hline -- meaning, make a horizontal line (thin)
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Some Parameters} & 2nd Parameter & 3rd Parameter \\ \hline 
& row1column2 & row1column3 \\ % "&" symbol at the beginning is used to skip 1 column
row2column1 \T \B & row2column2 & row2column3 \\ % end row 2
row3column1 \T &
% wrap long text using {minipage}. [t] is to set to the top align. {1.1in} is to set the length of minipage
\begin{flushleft}a very long line for row3column2 a very long line for row3column2 a very long line for row3column2 a very long line for row3column2 \end{flushleft}%
% wrap long text using \parbox. {1.3in} is the length of the \parbox. 
% {flushleft} -- meaning, to set the alignment to left
\parbox{1.3in}{\begin{flushleft}a very long line for row3column3 a very long line for row3column3 a very long line for row3column3 a very long line for row3column3 \end{flushleft}} \\
\hline \hline

The output of above command as follow:-
From the table, you can see that the \parbox is quite difficult to handle. It's behavior is not as expected. Well, this is as far as I can do... for now..

Alrite.... I think it is enough for now.... we'll cont. some other time... I need to finish the unfinished business!!

じゃ。まった こんど

Update: Dec 8, 2011

Using \begin{flushleft} \end{flushleft} somehow leave unwanted vertical space in the cell and that is why \parbox is behaving wild. What I did was, use \usepackage{array} and change the setting my column to something like this:-

\begin{tabular}{l >{\raggedright}p{0.2\textwidth}  >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.3\textwidth}}
row1column1 & row1column2 & row1column3 \\ \midrule

\raggedright} is used to align the text to left.
\arraybackslash is required in order to make \\ works.
\toprule is required for \midrulerule\bottomrule and "" to works.

~see LaTeX

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Akhirnyaa............... berjaya jugak aku solve problem yang sepatutnya bukan problem... hahahhaa.... well... kalu blaja sendiri mmg camnih... the learning curve sometimes looks like stock market... up and down... and sometimes could hardly get the slope to +ve pattern... anyway... anyhow... maybe I just jot it down here in for future use... :)

MiKTeX 2.9
TeXstudio 2.2

Ghostscript & GSView are essential to run LaTeX. Without these two softwares, LaTeX could also run but I would suggest to install them to avoid any unnecessary problems in the future... The installation is straight forward... Click and follow the instruction...

MiKTeX 2.9 is one the best software on windows platform... The installation also quite straightforward and could take sometime to finish. I strongly suggest to tick on the option "install missing plugin on-the-fly" (or the like) to ease up the installation process. Otherwise, you need to wait in front of the pc and click on every pop up that will come out for about 15-30 minutes.

TeXstudio 2.2 is a very userfriendly software for beginners. It will assist the user without the need to type full command as it will display the related command in "drop down list" as you type. You need to configure the Quick build to "LaTeX + DviPs + Ps2Pdf + Pdf Viewer" to allow .eps file to be displayed correctly using package "\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}"

Sometimes, the template provided by the conference organizer ie. IEEE must be altered to meet the requirement set. You don't need to push yourself to edit .cls file but instead just use "\renewcommand"... For my case, I need to use "\renewcommand{\figurename}{Figure}" & "\renewcommand{\IEEEkeywordsname}{Keyword}" to set the figure caption as "Figure" instead of "Fig." and "Keyword" instead of "Key-Index"..

All command:-


need to be loaded AFTER "\documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran}" call.

The rest could be "easily" learn :) from the template.... just follow the template provided....

I could rest happily tonite...

Peace!!! No War!!!
Kami Benci Rasuah!!!
Yang Salah Tetap Salah!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Syarat Halal Pelaburan Emas

Aku memang nak beli emas.... tapi macam-macam benda yang aku dengar tentang emas ni... takut terjebak dalam benda-benda yang syubhah & paling teruk haram...

tapi hari ni ada satu artikel yang aku rasa menarik untuk dikongsi bersama.... so.... da banyak duit apa lagi.... pulun emas aaar... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!

Keputusan Majlis Fatwa Syarat Halal Bagi Pelaburan Emas

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah...

Wooooooo... arini berkayuh berkilometersss....

  1. Dari umah (area Oomiya) ke gakko (school)... 1.5km
  2. Dari gakko ke pejabat (Fukui City) ... pejabat ape ek.. heeee.. tak ingat nama pejabat tuh... tapi pejabat gomen jepun aar... salah satu fungsi adalah pendaftaran gaijin (org bukan jepun yg masuk ke jepun)... p amik Alien Card (aku BUKAN Alien!!!)... ok la jugak.. x jauh sangat dari gakko.... 1km+
  3. Then next destination, pegi translate lesen memandu kat Japanese Automobile Federation (JAF)... yg ni jauh gak... dlm 3.2km... diorang perlukan 1 jam plop nak translate... p jenjalan kat Toys R' Us... dlm 1.4km
  4. Lepas 1 jam patah balik ke JAF.... 1.4km
  5. Pastu balik ke rumah..... dlm 6km... solat apa sumer... 
  6. Proceed to next target... driving centre (area Harue)... 6km+ dari rumah.... ada naik bukit lak tuh.. arghhh... dah laa ujan renyai-renyai.... sempat amik gambo kat atas jambatan.. Giler penat... mujur suhu dingin-dingin gitu...
  7. Da setel buat appointment (~baru buat appointment), patah balik ke umah... 6km+... di tengah2 jalan tu jadi benda yang tak syoq tuh... arghh.... tetiba kete POLIS stop depan aku (~yg naik basikal neh), duk kecek nihon-go... aku pun aaa!~ AAAA!~... eeetooo..... anoooo... nihon-go wakarimasen.... dah la baru dapat Alien Card... trus digunakan secara efektifnyer... adooi.... no plat basikal aku pn dia catat (~basikal ada no plat oooooo)... nak pastikan basikal tu aku yg punya huhuhu... sabo jer ler... mujur x kena saman... kes apa???~ pasal bawa payung sambil bawa basikal.... (~aku baru tau lepas kena ngan polis tu, masuk lab n google trus apa kes.... tadi duk nganga x tau pasal apa dia tahan huhuhu)... bukan takat bawa payung jah... ride and playing with phones also cannot maaa.... 
  8. Balik umah.. tukar suar yg lembap, solat then trus p gakko.... (~kena tunjuk muka kat lab... ).. 1.4km
  9. bla bla bla dalam lab... p surau solat magrib... trus balik umah... 1.4km.... seriusly sakit j***r aku... adoooiiihhh... suspension kurang berkesan... 
  10. yoshhhhhhh... ganbatte kudasai!!!... 

View dari atas jambatan Harue-cho

Monday, September 26, 2011



Punya lama aku tak update blog aku neh....

Lupa plak nk catatkan benda2 menarik yang berlaku lately....
aku dah jadi malas nak tulis panjang2.... so.... this is/was what happen(ed) a few days back...

17 September 2011

18 September 2011
Sannomiya/Rokkomachi , KOBE

19 September 2011
Fukui-Ken, Fukui-Shi

Until now.........

iPhone downgrade....



mujur buat back up.....


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chrome: My Default Browser

Hermmm... nothing much to say.....

I'm a big fan of MUSANGAPI.... However...

The performance of CHROME surprise me very much.
MUSANGAPI is beaten by CHROME during start up.

The only reason I was staying with MUSANGAPI was due to a few adds on i.e GMark & Webmailnotifier.
Since CHROME has YAGBE & X-notifier, I would rather shift to CHROME until MUSANGAPI come up with good solution.

Til then.....

CHROME: My Default Browser

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Class!!

6 Jun aritu.... bini aku paksa aku bawak dia tgk wayang....
huh!!... bini aku x bersalah laaa.... aku yang tengok wayang without her muahahahahhaha.....
aku layan Pirates of Caribbean 4, Kungfu Panda 2, Fast & Furious 5 (Fast 5) & Thor....

Pastu dia suruh aku bawak dia tgk Pirates & Panda..... huhuhu....
oleh sebab masa yang ada tak mengizinkan... aku suruh dia pilih lah..... dia nk layan Pirates... aku ON jer... x hal punyer... pasal Pirates & Panda.... 2 2 aku suke,..... no hal lah!!...

"Syg... ce tengok dlm neh..... tgk schedule cerita apa yg ada"
"Eh... abg... ada X-Men 1st Class laaaa...."
"hohohoo.. so nk tgk Pirates ke... nk tgk X-Men??"
"X-Men laaa... of cos..."
"ler.... kata minat pirates..."
"ngeeee... X-Men pun minat gak...."
"Iye lah tuh...."

Sampai kat Alamanda.... pegilah cari cinema.... pegi beratur..... MAKKKKK AIII... apsal panjang plak Q neh.... ari Senin kot....!!! woiiii!!! korang sumer x keje ke????!!... aku lain aaar... amik cuti!!!... cessshh...


Pergh..... bes siot citer neh..... PUAS HATI aar.... kalau nk compare dgn cerita X-Men: The Last Stand  dulu tuh.... ok yg ni aar.... they able to made up for the disappointing previous installment.... 

Antagonist dlm citer neh power gak.. tp mati dlm keadaan yang menyedihkan huhuhu..... punye ler sedut power kaw2.... tp.... (suspen.....)............. huhuhu.. tgk seniri aaarhh... malas nk kasik spoiler....

Seyes besh....

Verdict: A Must Watch Movie 4.7/5.0

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Awesomeness of Pirates vs Panda

Sebelum masuk panggung, aku berharap sangat sequel kepada 3 Cerita Lanun sebelum ni tak jadi macam yang sebelum ni, At World's End (2007). Macam biasa, sebelum beli tiket aku akan jenguk2 ke website yang me"review" cerita neh... RottenTomatoes

Macam2 review yang kuar. 
Separuh kata besh!
Separuh kata tak besh!!... 

hermmm.... berbelah bagi jugak... tapi disebabkan aku mmg suke cerita neh... aku pun pergilah.... to make story short... cerita ni memang besh utk aku... cuma aku tengok 3D pasal yang biasa punya dah sold out... aku pegi tengok dulu masa 1st or 2nd day filem ni ditayangkan.. logik aar kan... tapi macam yang aku expect, 3D x seswai aar utk korang tengok. Tak banyak unsur2 3D yang diserapkan.... abess RM18 haku....

Anyway, filem ni aku suke... walaupun aku rasa macam x puas je bile habes.... rasa macam.... eh...!! abes dah ke?? arghhh.... apa jadi dengan Philips?? takkan masuk dalam air gitu2 je???.... Apsal mamat Depp ni blah gitu je.. awex lawaaaa tuh!!... dan sebagainyer.... 

Tapi  yang paling aku tensen.... lepas je kuar credits filem ni....  x sempat abess pun, diorang dah kasi gelap sama itu cinema laaa!!.. tak dapat aku nk saksikan after credit scenes... arghhh.... balik je ke rumah (dalam 230am kot), aku trus bukak youtube.... layan!! ada jugak org rakam huhuhu... 

Verdict: Enjoyable Movie 4.4/5.0


Ni satu lagi movie yang haku baru tengok... last Friday nite... cerita ni pendek je... dalam 1 jam 20 minit gitu.. tapi memang besh!!!.. INNER PEACE!!! wohaaa!!! terbaek...

aku tengok movie ni versi 3D jugak.... tapi agak menyakitkan hati jugak aar.. haku duk ingat kalu animation gini boleh laaa kasik gempak2 sket 3D nyer.... tp baek sket dari Pirates jah... cetsss.... abes RM18 haku sekali laiee.....

Anyway, cerita ni memang besh macam yang aku cakap tadi... terbaek!!... banyak part2 yang boleh di buat gelak... elok korang rasa nak sereyes je.. mamat panda ni buat some yang unAwesome!! hahahha... contoh part snake game, baling topi, part dapat inner peace etc.. muahahahha,.... besh... rasa macam nak tengok sekali lagi arrhh..... woha!!!

Verdict: Awesome Movie 4.6/5.0

Sunday, May 1, 2011

1May, Fast 5ive & Thor


Ni ler keje aku ari sabtu lepas..... eh.. semalam je pun heheheh... 
Orang cuti 3 ari seronok je balik kampung.... aku stuck kat tempat aku mencari rezeki.... sob sob sob..
Well.. salah aku gak... planning aritu terlepas pandang 1 Mei... hari pekerja.... 
Orang rumah jenis cuti yang tak fix date.... retail biz mmg cam ni... 
So... kite kene le bertolak ansur dalam hal ni.... 
This is a part of situation which does not concern me when I was a single... whenever I wanted to go home... I just drove my Evo... or bought a ticket for a driver to drove me home.. owh yeah...
Tapi takpe... x lama dah.... sabo sket jer lagi... nanti duduk le dengan orang rumah puas-puas bile die datang..


Anyway..... duk layan Fast Five ni.... ok laaa.... sebenarnye agak lama gak laaa aku dah tak rasa feel movie yang WoW!!... termasuk filem ni hehehe...

Kalau tengok review kat bebanyak website, ramai yang berpuas hati dengan sequel Fast & Furious ni..... bagi aku, citer ni ok..... tapi ada unsur2 tak logik yang tak ada dalam citer2 F&F sebelum ni.... huru hara giler lah... hahaha.. main kejar2 dengan polis... tapi polis punya bijak pegi kejar ikut belakang.... kalau da main potong2 jalan pun xde masalah nyer.... langgor je... hehhehe.... sian polis Rio jadi ayam jer.... 
satu hal lagi.. pehal plak si Han ni tetiba idup balik.... tak puas ati memula.. sebab nk kena matchkan sequel & prequel citer neh... balik umah terus wiki.... hahaha... 

sebenor benornyer.... Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift adalah citer yang terakhir dalam F&F series nih.... sebab tu Han idup lagi.. masa tgk citer Fast & Furious 4 (2009) dulu pun aku pening gak... tapi dua2 citer ni dia guna satu ayat utk bagitau kenapa Han idup lagi..... ".......Tokyo...."

apa2 pun... citer kali ni x banyak aksi drift tapi lebih kepada main kejar2 dengan cik polis... teringat game Need for Speed: Most Wanted!.. enjoy!!!

Verdict: Enjoyable Movie 4.0/5.0

Ha!!.. ni satu lagi citer yang aku layan semalam..... hehehe.... marathon bah.,..... buhsan punya pasal duk sensorang kat umah... member2 plak balik kampung blake..... sensorang pn jadi!!.... aku duk layan Fast 5ive jam 1715... then kuar wayang p minum2 dulu.... solat... masuk balik utk show jam 1950.... oooowhhhh yeah!!...

Citer Thor ni pun ok..... tapi dia nyer CGI tu nampak kartun sket hehehhe.. x berapa nk real... kalau tgk LOTR dulu.. dia wat cam real giler arhh..... terbaek!!!.... tp yang ni bile tgk masa dia nk crown Thor jadi King... kat main hall tu seyes cam karton... huhuhu.. pastu masa dia naik kuda nk pegi ke Bifrost...... tp ok aar... layan gak citer dier....

apa2 pun... pegi laa tengok citer nih... oppss satu lagi.... 3D dia mcm x berapa nk berkesan je kat aku.... lagi syoq nk tgk 2D nyer citer.... coz ada beberapa scene bagi aku x berapa nk jelas.... ke aku yang rabun?? huhuhu....

Verdict: Enjoyable Movie 3.9/5.0

~ woha!! da 0835.... harap2 kedai makan bukak laaa pagi ni.. maklum ler.... 1 May kot.......



^1May adalah 1 May ok!!.. bukan 1 Malaysia... Hari Pekerja... wooohaaa!!! ^

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ubuntu Servers

At first..... i would say.... WoW!!!.. that's a lot....

Then I zoomed in our beloved Malaysia........and... ok... not so bad...

I am hoping the numbers would grow up and everyone will have conscious of how good it is to use open source software....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sleepy But Not

pernah tak korang rasa ngantuk gila babas.....

tapi.. korang rasa macam malas nak tido.... korang pun buat laaa benda2 yg nth hape2 nth....
pastu korang rasa ngantuk gila babas....

tapi.. korang rasa macam malas nak tido.... korang pun buat laaa benda2 yg nth hape2 nth....
pastu korang rasa ngantuk gila babas....

tapi.. korang rasa macam malas nak tido.... korang pun buat laaa benda2 yg nth hape2 nth....
pastu korang rasa ngantuk gila babas....

tapi.. korang rasa macam malas nak tido.... korang pun buat laaa benda2 yg nth hape2 nth....
pastu korang rasa ngantuk gila babas....

tapi.. korang rasa macam malas nak tido.... korang pun buat laaa benda2 yg nth hape2 nth....
pastu korang rasa ngantuk gila babas....

tapi.. korang rasa macam malas nak tido.... korang pun buat laaa benda2 yg nth hape2 nth....
pastu korang rasa ngantuk gila babas....

tapi... aku rasa macam nak tido sekarang....
sok pagi bute ada orang akan call aku suruh amik kat terminal bus ..... eeieiiii...
tak sabo awok.....

~i'll be waiting for you ............

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here and There

Salam sedara sedari.....

It's been quite some time from my last visit.... macam-macam cite nk citer... tp macam biasa.. malas nk tulis panjang-panjang..... pendekkan cerita....

31 Mar 2011 - 4 April 2011: Kursus BTN untuk ke Luar Negara

Kat sini macam2 ilmu dapat.... ilmu bagus.. ilmu x bagus... sumer ada..... kenal geng2 baru dari serata Malaysia... Nice!!...

antara benda2 yang jadi termasuklah...... Cota; Ikan Pari; Saya sudah siap!; Saya belum siap!!; Saya sayang Malaysia, Merdeka!!; Lepas laaaa; Babi kuak lentang; dan yang paling glemer.............. kata2 daripada Ucop Wilcha.... Husseiiiiinnnnn.... aku x dapat nk gambarkan dengan kata2 peristiwa berlaku dekat situ... memang best!!!... nak2 dorm 5A... tahniah laaa korang (termasuk aku)..... Datang ke kursus paling awal (sehari sebelum)..... Bangun pagi paling awal.... tido paling lewat... paling bising..... huru hara.... paling banyak AJK dalam dorm tu..... orang study korang main teka teki..... masuk bilik air pun paling bising...... adoooii.... tapi korang mmg best!!!!.....

Tapi moral of the story di kursus ni.... ambillah tahu pasal PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA..... supaya kita dapat menilai mana yang betul dan mana yang salah terutamanya dengan keadaan politik Malaysia ni yang sukakan  isu2 hangit..... timbul satu isu..... hangat.... semua paper nak report... sume bloggers nak komen.... sume orang nk kutuk.... sume orang nk mempertahankan... sume orang dengan gelagat masing2..... JANGAN TAQLID!!....

Terbaek lah korang

31 Mar 2011 - 4 April 2011: Banjir di Kangar

Dalam masa yang sama jugak.... rumah aku kena rendam dengan air bah yang berlumpur cokelet..... mujur naik paras betis je dalam rumah (luar rumah paras lutut)...... kalu nk compare banjir masa November 2010 tu lagi horror... separuh jengkal lagi nk naik paras pinggang dalam rumah (luar rumah paras pinggang)...

penat jugak aku n kawan aku nk bersihkan rumah pada 5 April 2011..... masa tu dah kering dh selut2 yang tinggal.... tapi disebabkan barang2 aku dh banyak rosak last time.. kali ni laju je clearkan rumah... 4 jam!.... tembak je ngan waterjet... lega!!....

arghhhh.... x larat dah..... bukak2 emel balik dari kursus..... tuuuuu diaaa.... 125 mails..... jenuh nk delete!! hahhaha.... esok ni mcm2 ler aku kena update.... waduh2.........

Monday, March 7, 2011

5 meters

Salam semua...... apa khabar..... sashiburi desuu......

woha!!!.. aku tengah duk excited lagi neh.... satu kemajuan utk diri aku dalam usaha main air.... yosh!!....

aku pun x ingt if aku ada post berkenaan dengan swim or not... tp ada 1 post laa.... sat aku tgk......

......... ok ada.... kat sini...

yoshh... tp kat dalam post tu aku x ada citer pasal kejayaan aku mengatasi rasa:
1) takut air dalam
2) terjun dari tempat tinggi

aku telah berjaya terjun dari papan anjal 3 Meter!!!!..... masa tu seronok bukan main lagi... ilang terus rasa takut (~ada lagi sebenarnya).... actually.. it built my confidence... ulang 2-3 kali hahahaha.....

dan hari ni..... aku excited pasal aku berjaya terjun dari aras 5 METER!!!! yoshhh!!! tepukan untuk aku....

ko tau tak... bukan senang oooo nk terjun tinggi-tinggi tuh.... bape kali aku duk julur kaki.... tarik balik... julur kaki..... tarik balik.... julur kaki.... julur.... julur..... rasa macam x mau terjun dah.... hahahhaha... then... akhirnya.... aku nekad... julur kaki.... pandang depan.... tetiba......

aku dah berada di awangan.... dan masa aku duk terapung tuh.... sempat lagi pikir..... betul ke aku terjun ni.... woha!!... x sempat nk jawab aku dh masuk dalam air.... wahhhh..... sakit tu xde laaa sakit... tp ada sket rasa sakit pedey... mcm biasa.... woha!!!... besh besh besh..... sangat besh.....

hermmmm... yang besnya mandi kat tempat dalam.... 5 meter kedalaman kolam yang aku terjun tuh.... kita lagi senang terapung nk compare dengan tempat yang cetek..... wahahhahhahahha.... aku boleh buat water threading rilex jer..... kalau kat tempat aku biasa mandi tuh..... 1.8m..... rasa cepat penat.... betul laaa kata coach aku..... dia kata kat tempat dalam/open water..... lagi senang terapung.... woha!!...

besh2....kepada sesiapa yang terbaca artikel ni.... aku suggest korang pegi laaa belajar berenang... bukan saja kita ikut sunnah nabi..... malah badan pun sihat.... woha!!!....

sok malam kelas last... 12 sesi kesemuanya..... RM150 aku bayar... berbaloi laaa utk diri aku yang penakut dengan air nih... hahhaha..... pasni tak tau nk smbg lagi ke dak..... kalau sambung dia akan ajar cara berenang yang lain pulak yang boleh digunakan utk menyelamatkan orang lemas.... yosh... ganbatte!!!!

jum mandi....... bukan kolam ek... air shower.... nk sapu klorin kat badan nih.......





Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Birthday Surprise!!!...

warghhhhh.... lamanyer aku x menjengok jurnal hidup digital aku ni....
fufuufufu.... xpe2.... in a few months from now... i'll be always updating this blog for sure (~sure)..

anyway.... i just want to share something that i've done a few days back....

it's on 25 Feb 2011..... my wife birthday... yeah....

pening wooooo... xtau nk kasik apa kat wife... aku ni da la jenis bukan romantik.... then... nk cari idea punya pasai... aku pun search laaa net.... then i was stumble upon an address that sell teddy bears.... online...

it looks nice.... so... apa lagi... beli satu..... buat2 xtau.... siap tny wife nak apa aper sumer.. dia pn jawab.... "abang beli apa pun x ape.... terima jer" hhahhaa...

so.... aku minta laaa mamat teddy bear tu pos by jumaat.... coz jumat birthday dia.... wife aku lak keje jumaat tu n balik malam... tertekan aku... ye laaa... nak tunggu dia balik sikit punya lama.... kol 10++ baru smpi umah....

tengah hari jumaat tu sykt pos kol aku.. tny address.... not really address laa... just how to get to my address.... bla bla bla... aku kol mak mertua aku... cakap yang ada benda nk smpi umh,.... bgtau laaa... yang menantu kesayangan dia ni nk kasik hadiah utk wife terchenta tuh.. anak bongsu dia....... senyum jer mak mertua aku (~aku assume dari nada dia laaa)...

btw.... elok malam wife aku balik... terkezut dia ada kotak depan pintu..... jeng jeng jeng.. siap ada tulis nama dia kat kotak tuh.... terkezut2.... tny mama dia.... "ni kotak apa ma?!" ... "ko punya laa.... hanafi bagi"....

apa lagi... dengan tersengih2... (~aku assume lagi)... dia bukak kotak dan.... hantar sms kat aku... "abg!!!!"...

hehhhe... malam tu dia tidor pelok teddy bear..... :D

and.... they live happily ever after.....

Monday, February 28, 2011

New hobby

guess what..... i got new hobby.... well... not literally new.. but new...

it was on 13 of Jan 2011..... when we enrolled into swimming class... by we... i mean.... pakaq, benjo, baban and me..... actually... we had plan to go to the swimming class quite some time... and the time just not right... well... you know.... things like.. WORK that need a large portion of our private life....

finally.... i CAN swim... now... we already went to the classes 10 times... and only 2 classes left. we learn how to do breast stroke... and then freestyle... and then.. butterfly... and then.. we learn by ourselves to backstroke... and we also learn how to dive into the pool...

now we are all addicted to swim. almost everyday... back from work and heading straight to the pool. bring along a set of swimsuit to work.. so that we couldn't waste time that can be used to swim of course...

la la ... la la la la.. la... (please sing like Avril Lavigne, what the hell)

and..... that's it... my new hobby.... somehow i got an extra muscle on my chest, arm and stomach.... try it guys.... enjoy..

Friday, January 14, 2011


hehehhehehe.... long time x drop here...

ari ni aku nk balik umah.... a fews back, aku habaq kat bini aku yg aku bnyk keje..... so x dpt nak jumpa dia dis week... but then... after terhasut oleh kawan aku yg nk balik sekali.... aku pun nk bw laaaaaa balik keje tu kat umah... harap2 dapat buat ler weekend nih.. aiyoooo...

so, saje je x habaq kat dia aku nk balik neh... senyap2 jer.. just buat2 lawak bodo ngan dia yg aku nk jmp malam neh.. .hehehhehee... jgn dia x bukak pintu da ler.. kang ada yg tdo kat luar plak ....

10! 10! 10!!....


~eh... ni first entry aku utk 2011??!!! yeay.......!