Friday, November 6, 2009

Karmic Koala

Hi everyone..... again.... after 6 month.... i'll jump in wif ubuntu new release hehehe.... ok.. this time.... release 9.10 > Karmic Koala....

Actually I'm pretty upset right after updated from previous version > Jaunty Jackalope....

The system kind of crash... or should i say.. it was not able to mount the root system... hence failed to load the ubuntu.... man.... takes me a few days.... ermm.... due to my bz days....

then tonite, when i felt bored > "muak" marking the assignment, suddenly remember 1 unfinished business... cracking the shell.... or in a simple words... fixing some error that prevent the system from being mounted....

The launchpad really help me a lot.. thanx guys... crawling through google get me here. This is the article where it really helps me.....

I don't know the real problem is.. but I was installed Avira some time ago and it needs a dazukofs module.... so after uninstalling the antivir application... the module was still intact and failed to mount everytime my ubuntu startup.... i don't have the idea how to get rid of it.... so.. i let it just it was.... don't know it trigger a problem when updating the system to 9.10

ok.... the problem is the system can't mount the root partition... and it displayed error like "Mount of root filesystem failed".. and the same for dazukofs...

what i've done is type:

fdisk -l
fsck /dev/sdb2 -v

just answer "y" for every question comes in....

for my case, i failed to fix the error and then i try this:

mount -o remount,rw /
sudo vi /etc/fstab

you will start in command mode
j (lowercase j will move down line by line)
h (lowercase h moves left)
l (lowercase L moves right)
i (changes to insert mode where you can type)
(Escape key exits insert mode and enters command mode)
: (a colon from command mode will put your cursor at the bottom of the screen where you can exit the app)

Commands from the : line
q! (quit immediately do not save changes)
wq (write and quit)

i find the "dazukofs" and comment it out (#)..... then.... use


Then i reboot the system..... and it works... yeah!!!..... feel soooo damn good hahhaa....

alright..... good luck ubuntu lovers~

gtg.... i have 2 meeting tomorrow @ 0830 (ulu pauh) and @ 1500 (seriab)

~Nite guys...

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