Sunday, February 23, 2014

Manjaro Series: Dropbox

You can install dropbox from AUR as detailed in ArchWiki

yaourt -S dropbox

As for my installation, dropbox popup for syncing didn't appear at all. So, I need to do some simple tweaking [via dropbox]. Run the following codes one by one:

cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -

You should be prompted with dropbox welcoming screen and from here, you need to log in and select the desired Dropbox destination folder.

Upon completion, your Dropbox should be syncing and you can safely quit.

Now, you can restart your dropboxd from Internet->Dropbox

Finally we can remove unused our manual installation dropbox folder and tarball downloaded:

rm -rf ~/.dropbox-dist dropbox-lnx.86_64-2.6.7.tar.gz

You can enjoy your Dropbox happily ever after ~hopefully.

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