Monday, December 24, 2012

Command Prompt Auto Completion

If you are a UNIX user, it is probably well known that by pressing TAB in the terminal would perform auto completion for the file or folder name.

In windows however, the TAB auto completion was disabled (literally). By performing some modification in the registry, you could enable this features. Nonetheless, this could lead to error in reading txt file with TAB spacing.

There are alternative instead of using TAB key tho'. Microsoft has provided an article of this matter. Instead pressing TAB key, you could use CTRL+D or CTRL+F for both filename & folder auto completion. CTRL+F would let you choose a list of similar filenames in the folder by pressing the key a few times.

Happy trying :)

See also tricks for command prompt.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Turn Your Windows 7 PC Into Hotspot

Just now, I stumble upon one great article regarding Microsoft Wifi Miniport Adapter.
I"ve been searching for the past year a method to turn my Laptop into a wifi hotspot. Finally......

As a matter of fact, my phone is currently connected to my laptop network :)

Just follow the steps described in the article. Just in case you are so worried to touch the command prompt, I've wrote a simple but just work .bat script however the program have no validation etc & might fail if the password you entered does not meet the specification.

Here you are.... my 2nd batch script of the day ;)



1. You need to restart the virtual wifi every time your machine woke up from sleep etc. Just enter the following command

netsh wlan start hostednetwork
For more information, type netsh wlan /? in the command prompt

2. Unfortunately the things that I've described above only works for Ethernet (LAN) and NOT compatible for any wireless card (so far). [ref]


1. There is a program out there called Virtual Router Plus that can turn your laptop into the hotspot... This time... It really work!!! Check it out...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Timed Shutdown/Hibernate Your PC



This morning I had successfully developed a simple batch program for personal use. The reason?
A few days ago, spent some time watching movie while hibernating in my den. Kind of hoping for simple program to shutdown or hibernate the PC without requiring any installation.

Mr Google give me a lot of suggestion but none could catch my eye except a youtube video demonstrating a simple cmd that perform the task.

Without further delay... I present you... my simple Auto Shutdown/Hibernate program.

Keypoints for the program are:

shutdown -s -f -t 60

timeout -t 60 -nobreak
shutdown -h -f

The value -t is not necessarily to be 60 (seconds) all the time. You can choose whatever value you want. You could further read on -s -f -t -h -nobreak command by:

type cmd,
type shutdown /? or timeout /?


Sunday, December 16, 2012

.NET Framework 1.1 Installation Error

Need to install an old program that requires .NET Framework 1.1 today. However, my 64-bit Windows 7 give errors before installation could complete.

As usual, ask Mr Google bout the problem and found this helpful website.

If the command generate error "dotnetfx.exe" is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file; this means that the computer could not find the file specified. Make sure that the file NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe is renamed and saved as dotnetfxsp1.exe

By adding

C:\Dotnet\ before;
  • dotnetfx.exe /c:"msiexec.exe /a netfx.msi TARGETDIR=C:\DotNet" and
  • dotnetfxsp1.exe /Xp:C:\DotNet\netfxsp.msp
  • msiexec.exe /a c:\DotNet\netfx.msi /p c:\DotNet\netfxsp.msp
  • Run netfx.msi
as suggested by a user in microsoft website could solve the problem. 

Happy installing ~

Thursday, December 6, 2012


In the middle of performing experiments.
Calibration of the sensors.
Its really tough!

Have to do the calibration.... wait.... repeat..... take measurements.... wait... calibration... & repeating the steps over & over again.

wait.... wait...... bad result!!!