Monday, November 26, 2012

Problem With Serial Port COM10 and Higher

Suddenly when I was doing my experiment today, I stumble upon one "small" problem.

All ports from COM1 to COM9 will have no problem when being opened with Turbo C++ or Visual C++ that uses Win32 API (~from my understanding). Any attempt to open COM greater than COM10 will resulted an error.

By asking Google Sensei, a found a suggestion to the problem and try it out. And it was so great that I managed to solve the problem by tweaking here and there and a little effort of try and error method.

The suggestion to use "\\.\COM10" will not work in Turbo C++ as advised however "\\\\.\\COM10" perfectly worked!!

The codes below is being used in my serial communication class;

        // Check if COM10 & above
    AnsiString tempPort;
    int i = portName.Length();

    if(isdigit(portName[i-1])) {
        tempPort.sprintf("\\\\.\\%s", portName);
        portName = tempPort;

What Program Eat Up Your HD Space?

Sometimes, I wonder what program did I installed that eat up a whole bits of memory in my hard disk.

Well thanks to this simple program called WinDirStat, we could easily find out who are the real scumbag inside our HD.

Windows Virtual PC consume a lot of memory

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Distro Hopper?

Am I eligible to be called as distro hopper?!

Win 7 Environment

Mac OS X Environment

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hackintosh on VirtualBox

Hi guys.....

Sashiburi desu neeee...

Just wanted to update here....

Hackintosh OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion has been successfully installed on my Win 7 PC. 

Of course with the help of VirtualBox. Yeah... kind of cool right!!

Here's the guides <macbreaker>

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ultrabook vs Tablet

Ipad Mini 

Macbook Air 11.6"
Macbook Air 13.3"

Windows 8
Asus VivoBook 13.3"
Asus Vivo Tab TF810C
Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2

Pening kepala aku!!!!

Mana satu nak angkat!!!


Lowest price ¥28,800
Highest price ¥77,000~

Portability - Productivity - Money!!


Updated: Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon Touch also looks kewl and rock!!! The problem is just money!!! Aiyoooo